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Bahrain Banks Links


31    The Bahraini Saudi Bank

Bank jointly owned by Bahraini and Saudi Arabian shareholders; provides specialised services to the commercial sector; site has info about commercial and retail banking services, ATM locations, branches etc
32    UBS Bahrain
Bahrain unit of global bank; site has details of representative office in Bahrain and contact for Islamic banking
33    United Gulf Bank
Investment banking arm and subsidiary of Kuwait Projects Company (Holding) KSC, Kuwait; manages a portfolio of investments in wealth and asset management, commercial banking, real estate, telecommunications, private equity and quoted securities
34    United International Bank B.S.C (UIB)
Investment bank in Manama, Bahrain, licensed by Central Bank of Bahrain, to provide Shari'a-compliant investment banking products & services in private equity markets in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) & Middle East & North Africa (MENA) regions



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 Alrashid Cyber Mall, member of The Saudi Network, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi arabia, arabian gulf and middle east area.
Shopping in Saudi Arabia

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1001 Arabian Network, Alrashid Cyber Mall and The Saudi Network are members of Nova* Stars* Information Services
The Saudi Network, Trade and business information and links to
Saudi Arabia, Arabian Gulf and Middle East Area.

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