Brave New Work World
Examines life and work in the revolutionary new world economy. All about work all the time for business, education, and careers.
CareerSource Magazine
Contains career related editorial and recruitment advertising from employers.
Competition Master
Resource for competitive exams and career development.
Contract Employment Weekly
Searchable jobs database and the directory of contract service firms online.
Diversity Careers
Provides job listings, career news and events for IT professionals.
Equal Opportunity
Career magazines for women, members of minority groups, and people with disabilities.
Human Resource Executive
Publication focused on strategic issues primarily for vice presidents and directors and key decision-makers of human resources
Minority Career Network
Designed specifically to help minority professionals to find positions.
Occupational Health & Safety
Trade publication based on industrial safety and hygiene news.
Overseas Jobs Express
Features international job opportunities for professionals, expatriates and adventure seekers.
Pathfinder International
Resettlement, transition & careers jobhunting resource for the UK Armed Forces.
Teamster Magazine
Represents employees in transportation, freight-related and other industries.
Covers human resource legal issues, benchmarks, benefits, development, and recruiting.
Working for the
Humorously explores the horrors and absurdities of the workplace, and provides antidote to the doldrums of dealing with a bad boss and a dead-end job.
Worksite News
Details the cooperative effort between Canada, the United States and Mexico to create and maintain common OSH&E standards.