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Internet News and Statistics Sources
1001 World Newspapers
> Internet NewsRecommended Sources
ClickZ Stats Online internet surveys, demographics, statistics and market research.
Internet Week News and articles for internet-driven enterprises.
internet.com News network of over 150 web sites covering the internet, e-commerce, and IT industries.
InternetNews.com Real-time internet industry reports with global coverage of business, stocks, streaming media, e-commerce, international, ISP and advertising news.
Wired Daily news on how the IT are affecting business, society and culture.

See also Computer, Computer Games, Internet, E-Commerce, and Programming Magazines.
Internet News Services
Internet Statistics Sources
ClickZ Stats Find statistics on e-commerce, internet advertising, affiliate marketing, and online populations from a variety of sources in one place.
Internet World Stats Website featuring up to date free worldwide Internet Usage, the Population Statistics and Market Data, for over 233 countries and world regions.
Nielsen/Netratings One of the leading internet audience information and analysis services. NetRatings provides worldwide web site ratings, global internet usage statistics, information on top internet properties, and advertisers.
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