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The Country of Palestine

This page contains links to sites in Palestine
and Palestine related sites.
For Middle East, North Africa, Arab and regional information visit Arab
Palestine, historic region on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, comprising parts of modern Israel, Jordan, and Egypt; also known as the Holy Land. This article discusses the physical geography and history of Palestine until the UN took up the Palestine problem in 1947; for the economy and later history, see Gaza Strip, Israel, Jordan, and West Bank. Palestine is the Holy Land of the Jews, promised to them by God according to the Bible; of the Christians because it was the scene of Jesus' life; and of the Muslims because Jerusalem is the traditional site of Muhammad's ascent to heaven. Palestine comprises three geographic zones: a part of the Great Rift Valley, a ridge, and a coastal plain. The earliest known settlements in Palestine, e.g. Jericho, may date from 8000 BC An independent Hebrew kingdom was established 1000 BC After 950 BC this kingdom broke up into two states, Israel and Judah. Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans in turn conquered Palestine, which fell to the Muslim Arabs by AD 640. The area was the focus of the Crusades and was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1516. By the late 19th cent., Zionism arose with the aim of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and during World War I the British, who captured the area, appeared to support this goal. After the League of Nations approved (1922) the British mandate of Palestine, Jews immigrated there in large numbers despite Arab opposition. There was tension and violence between Jews and Arabs, and the British, unable to resolve the problem, turned (1947) the Palestine question over to the UN. At that time there were about 1,091,000 Muslims, 614,000 Jews, and 146,000 Christians in Palestine.
West Bank, territory between Israel and Jordan, located W of the Jordan R. and the Dead Sea (1995 est. pop. 1,320,000), 2,165 sq mi (5,607 sq km), occupied by Israel since the Arab-Israeli War of 1967. Many Israelis refer to it as Judaea and Samaria. It includes the cities of Hebron, Jericho, and Nablus, and the Old City of Jerusalem. The north is fertile; the south largely barren. Olives, fruit, and citrus products are produced; small-scale industries manufacture goods such as cement and textiles. The inhabitants are mostly Muslim Arab Palestinians; there are about 198,000 Israeli Jewish settlers. After the partition of Palestine and the formation (1948) of Israel, the territory was annexed (1950) by Jordan.
Following the 1967 war, the UN Security Council called for Israel's withdrawal from the West Bank. The Camp David accords (1978) incorporated plans for Arab self-rule in the region. A peaceful resolution, however, was impeded by the establishment of Israeli settlements in the area and by Israeli-PLO hostility (Arab states, including Jordan, recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole representative of the West Bank Arabs in 1974).
A 1993 accord between Israel and the PLO led to limited Palestinian self-rule in Jericho and the Gaza Strip in mid-1994. An interim agreement in 1995 called for the extension of self-rule to, and the withdrawal of most Israeli forces from, all Arab cities and villages in the West Bank (except East Jerusalem) in 1996. Much of this had been accomplished when increased tensions between Israel and the Palestinians put the agreement in jeopardy. However, most of Hebron was turned over to Palestinian control in 1997.
Yasir Arafat was elected president of the Palestinian government in 1996. A 1998 accord called for further territorial handover; although there were delays, this was accomplished by Mar. 2000. Negotiations in 2000 proved unfruitful, and widespread violence erupted in the West Bank (and Gaza) in the fall after Ariel Sharon visited the Haram esh-Sherif (or Temple Mount) in Jerusalem. Efforts to resume to talks were subsequently mainly unsuccessful, stymied by mutual distrust and a cycle of fighting and violence, including suicide bombings by Palestinians and Israeli attacks on facilities of the Palestinian authority and Israeli reoccupation of Palestinian territory. The continuing growth of Israeli settlements in the region, which nearly doubled in population from 1992 to 2001, has also proved a major irritant to Arabs and stumbling block to peace.
In Mar., 2003, the Palestinian parliament established the post of prime minister, effectively reducing Arafat’s powers as president; Mahmoud Abbas, regarded as more moderate than Arafat, was appointed to the post. The acceptance by Palestinians and Israelis of an internationally supported “road map for peace” raised hopes for a cessation of violence, though militant Palestinian groups only agreed (June) to a three-month cease-fire that did not hold even that long. Abbas resigned in September and was replaced by Ahmed Qurei, who, like Abbas, clashed with Arafat over control of the security forces.
Israel’s construction of a security barrier in the West Bank became an international issue in 2003. It was begun in 2002 in the N West Bank, where it paralleled the border, and around Jerusalem, but plans to extend it south and into the West Bank to protect Israeli settlements brought widespread condemnation. The United Nations estimated that 274,000 Palestinians would end up in the 15% of the territory on the Israeli side of the 400-mi (640-km) fence and wall barrier, and that 400,000 more would have their lives disrupted by it. The United Nations General Assembly requested (Dec., 2003) that the International Court of Justice issue an advisory opinion on the barrier, and in July, 2004, the ICJ termed it illegal, in part because it encloses Palestinian territory. An Israeli court decision in June, however, ordered the wall partially rerouted because of the hardship it would cause.
Gaza Strip, coastal region of the Middle East (2003 est. pop. 1,200,000), 140 sq mi (370 sq km), on the Mediterranean Sea, adjoining Egypt and Israel. Densely populated and impoverished, it is mainly inhabited by Palestinian refugees; there is also a small minority of Israeli settlers. The strip was part of the British mandate for Palestine from 1917 to 1948, passed to Egyptian control in 1949, and has been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. Autonomy for the region, promised by the Camp David accords (1978), has yet to be granted. The Palestinian uprising (intifada) began in Gaza in 1987; the area has been the scene of renewed violence since 2000.
A 1993 accord between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) resulted in limited Palestinian self-rule in the area in mid-1994, but the Palestinian National Authority in Gaza has been undermined by conflicts with both Israel and Hamas, which is especially strong there. Israel retained frontier areas and buffer zones around Israeli settlements. The breakdown in peace talks in 2000 and the subsequent resumption of violence hurt the local economy. Although the Gaza Strip has seen less fighting with Israelis than the West Bank, in 2003 the Israeli army moved more aggressively to control sections of the Gaza Strip in response to Palestinian attacks. The Israelis have also launched attacks against leaders of Hamas, which has many supporters in Gaza and has carried out many suicide attacks; in 2004 Hamas’s spiritual leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, killed in an Israeli strike. The area also has been the scene of fighting between Palestinian National Authority forces and Hamas.
Israel, officially State of Israel, republic (1995 est. pop. 5,433,000, including Israelis in occupied Arab territories), 7,992 sq mi/20,700 sq km (excluding occupied Arab territories), SW Asia, bounded by Lebanon (N), Syria and Jordan (E), the Mediterranean Sea and Egypt (W), and the Gulf of Aqaba (S). The capital is Jerusalem; other major cities are Tel Aviv–Jaffa and Haifa. There are four land regions: the Mediterranean coastal plain; a mountain area in the northeast; the semiarid Negev in the south; and, in the extreme east, a portion of the Great Rift Valley, including the Dead Sea, which at 1,292 ft (394 m) below sea level is the lowest point on earth. Despite adverse conditions, extensive irrigation has enabled agriculture to flourish. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the major export crops. A wide variety of industrial goods is produced, including textiles, chemicals, military and electronic equipment, and machinery; Israel is an important diamond processor. The manufacture of high technology items (computers, software, and telecommunications equipment) and biotechnology have also become significant. Tourism is also important. The standard of living is high for a Middle Eastern nation, but a high trade deficit, heavy defense expenditures, and inflation have put the economy under strain. About 85% of the population are Jews, about half of whom are immigrants from Europe, North America, Asia, and North Africa. The non-Jewish population consists mainly of Muslim, and a smaller group of Christian, Arabs. The official languages are Hebrew and Arabic, but English and many European languages are widely spoken. Israel is highly urbanized. About 7% of the people live on collective farms known as kibbutzim, moshav ovdim, and moshav shitufim.
For the earlier history of the region, see Palestine. In Nov. 1947 the United Nations divided Palestine, then under British mandate, into Jewish and Arab states. Six months later the British withdrew, and on May 14, 1948, the state of Israel was proclaimed. The neighboring Arab states of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq rejected both the partition of Palestine and the existence of the new nation. In the war that followed (1948–49), Israel emerged victorious and with its territory increased by one half. Arab opposition continued, however, and full-scale fighting broke out again in 1956 (the Sinai campaign), 1967 (the Six-Day War), and 1973 (the Yom Kippur War). Israel emerged from these conflicts with large tracts of its neighbors' territories.
In 1978 Israeli Prime Min. Menachem Begin and Egyptian Pres. Anwar al-Sadat signed the Camp David accords; a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed (1979) in Washington, D.C., and Israel withdrew from the Sinai by 1982. Little progress was made, however, with respect to the Gaza Strip and West Bank, and in 1981 Israel annexed the Golan Heights (captured from Syria in 1967). Israel's fierce, intermittent fighting with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Lebanon led to a devastating Israeli invasion in 1982. Israel withdrew in 1985 but maintained a 6–12 mi (10–20 km) security zone there just north of the border. Begin retired in 1983 and was succeeded by Yitzhak Shamir.
Indecisive elections in 1984 and 1988 resulted in an awkward coalition government, led by Labor party leader Shimon Peres (1984–86) and Shamir (1986–90). In June 1990, after the coalition collapsed, Shamir formed a right-wing government. In the late 1980s and early 1990s there were increasingly violent clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops in the occupied territories.
Soviet Jews began emigrating to Israel in large numbers in 1990, strapping Israel's resources, and Iraq launched missiles at Israel during the Persian Gulf War. Israel began peace talks with Syria, Jordan, and the Palestinians in 1991. In 1992 the Labor party and its allies won the largest bloc of seats in parliament, and Yitzhak Rabin became prime minister.
In 1993 Israel signed an accord with the PLO that led to Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho in mid-1994; a 1995 accord called for the expansion of self-rule to all Arab cities and villages in the West Bank by 1996. A peace treaty with Jordan was signed in 1994. Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing Jewish extremist in 1995; Peres succeeded him as prime minister. Internal terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists in 1996 and 1997 postponed the peace process and, in elections held in 1996, Peres narrowly lost the prime ministership to the Likud candidate, Benjamin Netanyahu.
Under an accord signed in 1998, Israel agreed to withdraw from additional West Bank territory, while the Palestinian Authority pledged to take stronger measures to fight terrorism. In the May 1999 elections, Labor returned to power under Ehud Barak, a former army chief of staff, who formed a coalition government. In September, Barak and Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, signed an agreement to finalize their borders and to determine the status of Jerusalem within a year. By Mar. 2000 Israel completed handing over additional West Bank territory; in May it withdrew from S Lebanon. Further peace talks deadlocked in July, and in the fall a new cycle of violence erupted in the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel itself following Ariel Sharon's visit to the Haram esh-Sherif (the Temple Mount to Jews) in Jerusalem.
In Feb. 2001 Sharon defeated Barak for the prime ministership. Sharon formed a broad national unity government and pursued a hard line with the Palestinians, leading to reoccupation of West Bank towns in 2002 in an attempt to end attacks against Israelis. Labor left the government in Oct. 2002, forcing Sharon to call for elections in Jan. 2003, which resulted in a victory for his Likud bloc and brought a four-party, mainly right-wing coalition to power.
In May, 2003, Sharon’s government accepted the internationally supported “road map for peace” with some limitations; the plan envisioned the establishment of a Palestinian state in three years. Talks resumed with Palestinian authorities, who also negotiated a three-month cease-fire with Palestinian militants, and Israel made some conciliatory moves in Gaza and the West Bank. Suicide bombings and Israeli revenge attacks resumed, however, in August, and in October Israel attacked Syria for the first time in 20 years, bombing what it termed a terrorist training camp in retaliation for suicide bombings.
Israel’s ongoing construction of a 400-mi (640-km) fence and wall security barrier in the West Bank, potentially enclosing some 15% of that territory, brought widespread international condemnation in late 2003, and a July, 2004, advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice (requested by Palestinians and the UN General Assembly) termed its construction illegal under international law because it was being constructed on Palestinian lands. Meanwhile, an Israeli court ruling (June) ordered the wall to be rerouted in certain areas because of the hardship it would cause Palestinians.
In March the killing of Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin heightened tensions in the occupied territories, especially the Gaza Strip. Sharon’s plan to withdraw from the latter, while supported by most Israelis, was rejected in a nonbinding vote (May, 2004) by Likud party members. The plan then resulted in defections from his coalition, but Sharon vowed to complete the withdrawal, which was being undertaken for security reasons, by the end of 2005. In Oct., 2004, he secured parliamentary approval for the plan. The government also plans to abandon a few settlements in the West Bank while expanding others there.
Copyright (c) 2003 Columbia University Press.
Used by permission of Columbia University Press.
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Books, horse, Videos about Palestine and Palestinians....
Arab Countries
Arab World: Middle East, North Africa, Arab and regional information. Resources to other Arab countries....
Most local links in other categories also include extensive or interesting country information.
All sites are in English or an English version is available except where indicated with flag(s) without "+".
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means 5 languages other than English or Arabic
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About Palestine
General Information Also see Travel
- Arab DataNet
Country profile, key facts, overview, economic review, political structure, sector analysis, investment, government, companies....
- ArabNet Overview, history, geography, business, culture, government, links
- Atlapedia Israel: Geography, people, demography, religion, education, modern history, currency, other information....
- BBC Country Profile Israel and Palestinian autonomous areas - Key facts, figures and dates
- Britannica.Com Country info, land, people, economy, society, government, history, culture, maps, statistics, links....
- CIA World Factbook Gaza: Map, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, issues
- CIA World Factbook West Bank: Geography, people, government, economy, transportation, communications
- Country Reports Gaza: Economy, defense, geography, government, people, anthem, map, news, weather, links....
- Country Reports West Bank: Economy, defense, geography, government, people, anthem, map, news, weather, links....
- Encarta OnLine Info, land & resources, population, economy, government, history, other related items, links....
- Encyclopaedia of the Orient Geography, politics, economy, health, education, religion, people, history, anthem, cities....
- Expedia Israel: Almanac, fast facts, communications, business, health & safety, traveller's directory
- The Holy Land Land profile, history, cities, Jerusalem, gallery....
- Info Please General info, map, geography, government, history, land & people....
- Palestine-Net +
News, geography, history, tourism, education, politics, culture, business, economy....
- US Library of Congress Everything you ever wanted to know about Israel....
- World66 General info, cities, history, people, economy, getting around, getting there, links....
Cities, Towns, Municipalities & Places
- Ajjur +
A district of Hebron. Palestine Gallery, Customs Gallery, Ajjur Gallery....
- ARIJ Profile Towns & villages of Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus, Jenin, Jericho, Ramallah, Jerusalem, Tulkarem districts
- Balaa Municipality '+
Economical, educational, historical, geographical and institutional information
- Bethlehem 2000 Events, Bethlehem, Holy Land, tourism, the project, news, UN resolutions....
- Bethlehem Municipality Profile, twin cities, hotels Bethlehem 2000....
- Al-Bireh Municipality
Library, services, projects, markets, parks....
- Deir Debwan Culture, tradition, history, historical sites, statistical data....
- Deiristia
The village, the name, history, ruins, tombs, places, album, chat, news....
- Ein Karem +
A tour and its Arabic character
- Gaza Municipality +
Information regarding the city of Gaza
- Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem: Events, photographs, links
- Immatin +
South of Nablus. Information, history, pictures, maps, links....
- Immatin +
A village between the city of Qalqeelya and Nablus. History, gallery, culture, news....
- Jaffa +
The oldest city on the Mediterranean Sea. About Jaffa (Yafa), history & photos, Jaffa affairs, links....
- Jaffa OnLine Your favourite guide to everything you wish to learn about Jaffa
- Jalilli48 +
Pictures from Galilee and the destroyed Palestinian communities, poems, stories....
- Jericho Municipality +
Oldest city in the world. Tourism, historical sites, pictures....
- Jerusalem I Love You Jerusalem through history, geography, a tour of the historical sites in the Westbank, poems....
- Jerusalem, Old City
About Jerusalem, Western Wall, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Dome of the Rock, Threats to the Old City, Bibliography
- Kammana Village +
Location, history, links....
- Kufr Qassem +
- Majd Al-Kurum +
Info, council, village....
- Nablus City
Old city, history, photo album, health, technology, business directory, tourism
- Nablus Municipality The city, history, activities....
- Nativity Church +
The cradle of Christianity and one of the earliest Christian structures....
- Nazareth City History, tourism, museum, education, Nazareth2000, events....
- Noble Sanctuary The online guide to Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem
- North Asira Municipality +
History, geography, population, economy, education, associations....
- Qalqilya +
Presentation, infrastructure, photos, addresses, yellow pages....
- Ramallah City Profile, history, council, projects, plans, culture, resort
- Ramallah & Al-Bireh District Facts, economic sectors, investment, infrastructure, society, culture, media....
- Salfeet Municipality Introduction, administration, entrances, income, projects, services, settlements, topography, news
- Tulkarm +
Information, photos, press....
- World Monuments Endangered sites: Gemeindehaus, German colony, Haifa
- World Monuments Endangered sites: Ramle white mosque archaeological site
- Yaffa Nazareth +
Info, Mayor....
- Zababdeh Information: History, the meaning of Zababdeh, people, families....
- Zakariyya
Community, location, history, traditions, culture, agriculture, exile....
Flag, Maps, Useful Information....
- Coins and Banknotes of Palestine Under the British Mandate Includes a brief history of Palestine and a Numismatic Chronology
- Cellular News Cellular coverage map, systems, frequencies....
- Ethonolgue Languages
- Flag Common, state and presidential flags, history, 1916-1948....
- Maps of the West Bank and Gaza Country, cities, settlements....
- World Clock Israel: Local time, sunrise, sunset, GMT offset, daylight saving....
- World Paper Money Paper currency: Palestine: 1936, Israel: since 1952
About Palestine
* Business
* Culture
* Education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Books
* Arab Countries
Business and Economy
General, Economy, Reports & Statistics
- Chamber of Commerce & Industry - Ramallah/Al-Bireh Governorate +
To supply high quality local and international trade services
- Information Technology Special Interest Group ITSIG - Developing information in Palestine
- Organization of Islamic Countries +
The most comprehensive database: statistical, economic and social
- Palestine Chamber of Commerce Gaza-Strip: Trade, industry & agriculture
- Palestine Economic Forum PalEcon - Papers, articles, policy....
- Palestinian Chambers of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture Participating cities, business directory....
- Palestinian Securities Exchange Ltd The foundation block of the Palestinian economy. Quotes, statistics, live updates....
- US Department of Energy Israel: Information, oil, natural gas, coal, electricity....
- US Department of State West Bank & Gaza: Country commercial guide 2000 (pdf)
- The World Bank West Bank & Gaza: Overview, news & events, data & statistics, publications & reports, development topics, projects & programs, Public Information Center
- Arab Bank +
News, currency rates, locations....
- Bank of Palestine Branches, services, history....
- Palestinian Banking Corporation +
PBC is private sector investment/development bank
Directories, Job Opportunities
- Companies of Palestine Directory of Palestinian companies on the web (Worth a visit)
- Gaza Strip Tourism, services and professionals Directory
- Palestine Directories Banks, e-mail, domains, Yellow Pages (by district or category)
- Palestine Yellow Pages Categorized listings
Investment & Promotion....
- Arab Palestinian Investment Co. +
APIC - Opportunities, indicators, goals, experience....
- Expo.PS Palestinian products and services virtual exhibition....
- Palestine Development & Investment Company PADICO
- Palestine Real Estate Investment Co. AQARIA
- Palestinian Investment Promotion Agency Provide investors with both a comprehensive one-stop-shop and Aftercare services....
- Palestinian Media Institute Dedicated to the advancement of the Palestinian private sector
- Palestinian Trade Development Centre PalTrade
About Palestine
* Business
* Culture
* Education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Books
* Arab Countries
Art, Culture & Sport
General Resources, Heritage....
- Al-Mashriq - The Levant Cultural riches & gateway
- Falastiny.Net +
Political literature, art, songs, paintings....
- Khalil Sakaini Cultural Centre +
Window to the arts & culture of Palestine
- Palestine Heritage To preserve the Heritage of Palestine and to promote the Heritage among the youth
- Palestinian Heritage Foundation Palestinian costumes (USA)
- Palestine Costume Archive Features over two hundred years of Palestinian design and examines traditional costumes and embroidery....
- Palestine Heritage +
Dresses, Songs, Stories, Proverbs, Food, Games, Customs....
- Palestinian Embroidery Promotes Palestinian culture, especially the art of Palestinian embroidery....
- Palestinian Heritage Site Created to educate people about Palestine and help Palestinians remember the history of Palestine
- Ramallah Underground Diverse cultural events, news, music, visuals....
Art, Literature, Photography, Cinema....
- Ali El-Ghul Painter and academic architect - Drawings ,paintings and articles
- Hisham Zrake Computer generated art
- Ismail Shamout & Tamam Al-Akhal Art in Palestine, biographies, paintings, sketches, exhibitions....
- Kamil Jamil Asali Books on the history of Jerusalem
- Marwan Kishek Fine Art - Profile, exhibition: natural scenery, holy art, realism....
- Naji Al-Ali +
Life, works,cartoons, books and poems....
- Nihad Dukhan Contemporary Arabic Calligraphy
- Raed Kurran
Cartoonist. Palestinian, Arab, international, social, intifadah, family cartoons
- Samia Halaby Paintings from the Heart & Mind - Kinetic paintings, abstractions, illusion, drawings
- Tawfik Zayyad
Author, poet & politician. Biography & poems....
- House of Poetry +
Poets bio, Akwas & Al-Shura magazines, news, publications....
- Palestinian Poetry Poets bio and poems translated to English....
- Poetry 4 Palestine +
By Hayam. Created under the second Intifada in the hardest of times....
- Popular Art Centre Al-Bireh. To develop individuals skills and knowledge and their cultural and artistic abilities
- Alaa Badarneh +
Photojournalist, documentary films and stories with many of the international agencies and newspapers
- Hanna Safieh Photographer. A unique collection of old black & white photographs of Palestine (1920-1967)
- Khalid Al-Zagari +
Jerusalem photographer - Gallery, resume, exhibition....
- Luke Powell A photographic introduction to Palestine
- Mohammad Hannon +
- Steve Sabella A Palestinian art photographer living in East Jerusalem - Jenin Photos
- Jerusalem Gate +
Pictures of Jerusalem, Palestinian personalities....
- Photograph Archive Early photographs of Jerusalem
- Photograph Archive Early photographs of locations in Palestine
- Trip to Palestine Trip records and experiences in vivid detail, complimented by nearly a thousand photographs....
- Arab Film Distribution - Israel Features a wide range of narrative films, documentaries, visual essays and ethnographic films
- Arab Film Distribution - Palestine Features a wide range of narrative films, documentaries, visual essays and ethnographic films
- Internet Movie Database Movie & TV reports
Music, Song & Dance....
- Abed Kattan +
Profile, songs, pictures, video, media, news....
- Doc Jazz A committed Palestinian songwriter who sings about the occupation and about the Intifadah and Real people who have a right to be free
- Issa Boulos 'ud player, composer and teacher
- Marwan Abado Singer, composer and oud player....
- Reem Banna +
Singer, lyricist and composer....
- Ruba Hatem A voice from Palestine - Songs, story, articles....
- Anashid from Palestine
National songs
- E7naHoun +
A group of Arabs 1948 working on a website for local arts, music and literature
- El-Funoun Palestinian popular dance troupe
- Yabous A non-profit organization for the production of performing arts, aiming to revive and enrich the cultural life in Palestine
- Zahrat Al-Mada'en Folkloric Dance Troupe Dance to help revive the Arabic culture and heritage. Traditional Palestinian music.
Cultural, Scientific, Environmental, Sporting Entities & Info
- Association of Plastic Artists +
Promoting the new generations' cultural aspects, caring for talents and raising art appreciation level
- Baqoon
Cultural society in honour of the poet Tawfeeq Zyad, Kafr Qasem.... Located in Nazareth
- The Canadian Palestinian Cultural Association Edmonton, Alberta. News, information, events, business, heritage & art
- Centre for Architectural Conservation RIWAQ - Virtual exhibition, Nablus....
- Comunidad Palestina
Palestinians in Spain - Valencia. Preserves and promotes the Palestinian Arabic cultural heritage
- Dar Al-Nadwa (International Centre of Bethlehem) Strengthening the Palestinian identity, cultivating artistic talent....
- East Jerusalem YMCA A vibrant and integral part of the Palestinian social movement....
- First Ramallah Group Serves as a multi-purpose cultural, social and sports centre
- Jaffa Society for Social Development JASD Initiate social, cultural and athletic activities through the establishment of a center for those services
- Juthour Center for Arts & Culture +
To develop the status of Palestinian woman culturally, socially and economically
- Palestinian Child Art Centre +
To reinforce the Palestinian culture among children
- Palestinian Association of Cultural Exchange +
PACE - Promoting awareness of the Palestinian cultural heritage
- YWCA of Palestine Beit Sahour. The YWCA’s gender perspective is to build a Palestinian democratic civil society....
- Animal Info Threatened species, environmental and social data
- Animals from Palestine Leopards, mustelids, birds
- BirdLife To determine the priorities for bird conservation in the region
- Children for The Protection of Nature in Palestine - CPNP To develop and increase awareness and involvement in the protection of nature
- Gazelle - The Palestinian Biological Bulletin +
Information about the Biology and Ecology of Palestine, concentrating on the Zoology of the region
- Palestine Wildlife Society Projects, pictures, news, birds, biodiversity....
- Palestinian Astronomical Society
- Futbol Palestina A documentary on the Palestinian nation football team attempting to qualify for the 2006 World Cup
- Nizar Taleb Biography and achievements of a Palestinian kickboxing champion
- Palestine Sports Network +
Local sport news
- Palestine Sports Project (PSP) Seeks to investigate the situation of sport in the Occupied Territories....
- Palestinian Tennis Association To enhance and promote Tennis
About Palestine
* Business
* Culture
* Education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Books
* Arab Countries
Schools, Colleges, Academies, Universities & Polytechnics
- The School of Joy (Al-Farah) To improve the overall quality of life for students who have low academic achievement in greater Bethlehem area
- Al-Hashimyya School +
- Bethlehem Academy of Music +
To help in building the new Palestinian society culturally ....
- Bethlehem Bible College Interdenominational Christian Bible college, located in Bethlehem, Palestine
- Bethlehem Bible College Gaza branch
- The College of Technology Nablus: Funded by the Scientific Foundation of Hisham Adeeb Hijjawi
- Ibrahimieh Community College +
Jerusalem: Institute of higher education
- Palestine Technical College
Deir Al-Balah, Gaza. Technical qualifications for variuos disciplines....
- Al-Aqsa University
- Al-Azhar University of Gaza +
Career oriented higher education....
- Al-Najah National University +
Nablus: Faculties, colleges, research laboratories, technical centres, activities....
- Al-Quds Open University It provides education through an Open and Distance Learning system
- Al-Quds University Creating opportunities for students to learn in and out of the classroom
- Arab American University Jenin. High standards of education as well as access to majors that are not available locally
- Bierzeit University Includes
The Complete Guide to Palestine's Websites originating in Palestine
- Hebron University +
It's fundamental policy is that no student be prevented from learning for financial reasons
- Islamic University of Gaza +
Open to human thoughts and culture, copes with scientific and technological development
- Palestine Polytechnic University Hebron: Meets the needs of the community for technicians in various fields of engineering
- Palestine Educational Exhibition (PEDEX)
An initiative by Eastern Mediterranean Educational Services
Institutions & Organizations
- Enlighten Promote and facilitate the introduction of computer-aided learning centres in the Palestinian refugee camps
- German Academic Exchange Service An organization of all German universities, organizes academic exchange
- Palestinian Physical Society Promotes physics education in the universities and high schools of Palestine
- Palestinian American Society of Engineers PASE - Membership, events, careers, links....
- Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs PASSIA - Academic research and dialogue
- WorldWide Classroom University & adult education, K12 & teen....
- Young Scientists Club - Muntada To promote the logical, critical and creative thinking process in young Palestinian minds
Research, Resources & Projects
- Dirasat
Studies and scientific research....
- Kenyon Institute
Provides research facilities for anyone working in Jerusalem, Israel or the Palestine Territories. (British School of Archaeology of Jerusalem)
- Dead Sea Scrolls & Qumran Producing a diversity of opinions, analyses, interpretations and reconstructions
- Jerusalem Quarterly File Scholarly articles on Jerusalem's history and trends currently shaping the city
- Noor Centre for Quran Research & Studies +
Scholarly articles on Jerusalem's history and trends shaping the city
- Palestinian Curriculum Development Center +
To upgrade the Palestinian educational system....
- Palestinian Refugees Research Net Project devoted to the dissemination of scholarly information on the refugee issue
- Tawjihi
Results, statistics, information
About Palestine
* Business
* Culture
* Education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Books
* Arab Countries
History, Human Right & Politics

Ancient & Modern....
- ABC News - Newsmakers Yaser Arafat
- Abu Mazen Mahmoud Abbas, Palestine's first Prime Minister - roadmap to peace, solutions, biography....
- Ahmad Al-Shukairy +
Biography of the man who laid the corner stone for the Palestinian Liberation Organization
- All About Palestine Covering all aspects of Occupied Palestine and the Zionist occupation
- Balfour Declaration Statement issued by the British government in 1917 that lead to the establishment of Israel
- CNN Middle East - Land of Conflict
- Fertile Crescent Posters, pictures, history, heroes, letters, essays, links....
- HistoryTeacher.Net Arab-Israeli Conflict. Primary source documents, conflict, Israelis, Palestinians....
- Home of History +
All what you need to know about Palestine....
- Israeli And Palestinian Political Geography Geography, history....
- Jaffa The history of an old Palestinian city
- Cactus48 Origin of the Palestine - Israel Conflict (complete text) and other Palestinian related issues
- On-line Encyclopedia of the Roman Provinces Palestine: People & places, administration, history....
- Palestine History of Palestine, information about Palestinian cities, Palestinian people, historical documents....
- Palestine The history of a stolen land Modern & ancient history, UN, Q&A, articles....
- Palestine Remembered Educating the world about towns and villages destroyed in 1948, their inhabitants and history
- September 2000 +
Reports, latest developments, testimonies, action, martyrs, pictures, media, analysis....
- US Policy Towards Palestine and Israel since 1945 Brief modern history
- University of Indianapolis The Holy Land, the Promised Land and the Land of Israel - Honors history project
- World Statesmen Israel, Jerusalem, Palestinian Authority - Flags, chronology, rulers, governors, ministers....
Civil, Human & Prisoners' Rights....
- Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association offering support for Palestinian prisoners....
- Al-Haq Concerned with the protection and promotion of the principles of human rights and the rule of law
- Amnesty International 1 +
Israel and the Occupied Territories. News, reports, urgent action. Latest annual report....
- Amnesty International 2 +
Israel and the Occupied Territories. The human rights crisis....
- Arab Association for Human Rights HRA - Promotes and protects the rights of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel
- Association of Civil Rights in Israel +
reedom of conscience, expression, human dignity, detention....
- Association of Forty +
Arab unrecognized villages, achievements, policy of discrimination, projects, publications....
- B'tselem +
The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in The Occupied Territories
- Democracy & Workers' Rights Centre DWRC
- FreeGaza.Org +
To raise international awareness about the prison-like closure of the Gaza Strip
- Freedom & Justice for Samar and Jawad Aims, the case, case update, newsletter, biographies, petition....
- Gaza Students Campaign for Academic Freedom For Gaza students studying in the West Bank, education is a crime
- Hanthala Focus on the human rights aspect, the international law aspect, and aims at educating the world about Palestine
- Human Rights Watch +
Israel, Occupied Territories & Palestinian Authority: Human rights developments & report
- Humanitarian Information in the Occupied Palestinian Territory +
Provide information and alternative commentary on the ongoing developments in the Occupied Territories
- Hussam Khader +
Parliamentarian illegally detained
- International Solidarity Movement Committed to the principles of nonviolent resistance, joint Palestinian-Israeli-international anti-Wall struggle in the villages
- Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions +
A non-violent, direct-action group to oppose Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses, settlement expansion, uprooting of fruit and olive trees and more
- Jews Against the Occupation Advocating peace through justice for Palestine and Israel
- Land's Children +
Human rights organization concerned with the plight, conditions of the Palestinian political prisoners
- Machsom Watch +
Politically pluralistic within the context of opposition to the occupation and a commitment to human rights
- Mandela Institute for Human Rights +
Organize regular lawyers' and doctors' visits to Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli prisons
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign PSC works to highlight the human rights abuses committed by the Israelis
- Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) +
Promote the rule of law in accordance with international standards
- Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizen's Rights PICCR - Newsletter, publications, reports
- Palestinian Rights Programme The needs of the Palestinian people and the priorities identified by the British Government
- Physicians for Human Rights Israel, West Bank & Gaza - Promotes health by protecting human rights
- Sabiroon
Palestinian prisoners & the struggle against the Israeli occupation
- Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights Upcoming events, history, gallery, Concordia & McGill universities sites
- US Department of State Israel & the Occupied Territory: Country reports on human rights practices
Action groups, events and activities
- Kibush 40 +
Demonstrating against 40 years of occupation
- Stop the Wall +
Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign aims to Stop the Wall, Dismantle parts already built, Return all lands confiscated for the Wall, and Compensate for all losses
- Badil +
Resource centre for Palestinian residency and refugee rights
- Civic Structures for the Palestinian Refugee Camps and Exile Communities (CIVITAS) +
Project to restore the vital links between all tiers of Palestinian civil society and their national institutions
- Rafah Today Special reports, home demolitions, homeless families, deaths & wounded....
- US Committee for Refugees Gaza & West Bank: Reports on conditions for refugees and internally displaced persons
- US Committee for Refugees Israel: Reports on conditions for refugees and internally displaced persons
Intifada, Massacres, Memorials....
- Al Aqsa
Intifada, appeal, newsletter, anasheed....
- Al Aqsa Intifada Complete resource about the Intifada: News, information, and action alerts
- Deir Yassin Remembered In all over 100 men, women, and children were systematically murdered....
- Gallery of Israeli Massacres Not for the faint hearted !!!!
- IntifadaOnline +
Brings you the Palestinian side of the story....
- IntiFawda Death & crime, destruction, terror, resistance, enemy & weapons, demonstration & grief....
- Jenin Refugee Camp
UN report, pictures, films, interviews....
- Nakba +
Testimonies, destroyed villages, chronology, photo gallery, bibliography....
- Sabra and Shatila Massacres Ariel Sharon's crimes against humanity, Zionism....
- September 1996 Memorial Shows the human face behind the statistics of the September 1996 clashes
Political Parties & Groups
- Democratic Front for Peace and Equality
News, archives, essays, art, literature, links....
- Islamic Resistance Support Association +
Reality, Israeli aggression, views, gallery, reports, cartoons, articles....
- Movement for One Democratic Secular State Rejecting all forms of racism, gender bias and religious intolerance
- Organization for Democratic Action ODA - Defending the rights of the one million Palestinian community inside Israel.
- Palestine Solidarity Group Believes in the full political, economic, and national liberation for the Palestinian People
- Palestinian People Party +
Aspires towards achieving liberation, national independence, democracy....
- Hoffman-Info The Israeli holocaust against the Palestinian people
- Tangled Web Zionism, Stalinism and the Holocaust Story, The Consequences, articles and commentary
- The Truth About Israel Israel, the Palestinians, the US Zionism, the Gulf war & facts largely ignored by US media
Related Sites, Articles....
- Arab Institute for Holocaust Research and Education (Al-Karitha) +
Every aspect of the relations between Arabs and Jews in Israel is affected by the holocaust
- Americans for Middle-Eastern Neutrality (AMEN) Why Americans should continue to die for Israel's crimes
- BBC - In Depth Israel & the Palestinians - Analysis, stories, profiles, documents, links....
- Bitterlemons.org A website that presents Israeli and Palestinian viewpoints on prominent issues of concern
- Central Elections Commission +
Administration, conducting and supervision of the Presidential and Legislative Elections....
- Constitution Israel & Palestine. Background, history & news
- Edward Said Archive, articles, editorials, interviews, bibliographies, biographies....
- Elections Results, parties, parliament, electoral institutes, electoral calendar, political database....
- Israel and the United Nations The UN is strongly biased against Israel and opposes its struggle for survival !!!!
- Neda Al-Quds +
Jihad movement, Quds, facts, Zionist terrorism, human rights....
- PalestineOnLine "We will never forget Palestine. If Arafat gives up, We certainly will not"
- A Personal Diary of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict By Nigel Parry
- Palestinian Intifada, Peace, and Human Rights Links to news and analysis
- Research Guide to the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict News, stories, comments and articles by Robin Miller
- Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel Committed to the principles of self-determination for the Palestinian people
- The Wall of Hate With the construction of the wall, Israel's policy of home demolition has intensified....
About Palestine
* Business
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* Arab Countries
Visit Arab Media for satellite stations & Arab newspapers
Newspapers, Magazines....
- Alternative News Centre A Palestinian-Israeli organization which disseminates information, research and political analysis....
- Akhbar Al-Naqab
Bi-Weekly newspaper - Be'r Al-Sabee'
- Al-Ayyam
Daily newspaper - Ramallah
- Al-Hayat Al-Jadida
Daily newspaper
- Al-Karmel
Quarterly magazine - Literature
- Al-Manar
Weekly - Political
- Al-Massar
Bi-monthly - Political & cultural
- Al-Quds
Daily newspaper - Jerusalem
- Al-Quds Al-Arabi
Daily newspaper - UK
- Al-Risala
Weekly newspaper - Naqab
- Al-Sabah
Weekly newspaper
- Al-Sabar
Political & cultural - Jaffa
- Dunia Al-Watan
Daily newspaper - Gaza
- Falasteen Al-Muslima
- Fasl Al-Maqal
Weekly newspaper
- Pillars A tourist industry magazine published six times a year, including the Palestine Hotel Directory....
OnLine News, Newsletters, News agencies....
- Actv +
An independent internet TV which broadcast video on civil and social and cultural subjects
- Aklaam
A cultural magazine - stories, articles, forums....
- Al-Buraq +
Daily online news, reports, economy, technology, Arab gateway....
- Al-Bushra +
Arab American Roman Catholic Community. Plenty of interesting articles & information
- Al-Shorouq +
Local & international news, reports, articles, photos....
- Anbaa.Net
Local news for Ramallah, Al-Bireh and Lewaa. Articles, archive, cartoons....
- Arabic Media Internet Network - AMIN +
Authentic & faithful reproduction of media related materials, journalists, authors, cartoonists homepages....
- Behind The Wall Read the thoughts and feelings of Palestinian teenagers
- Challenge A Jerusalem magazine on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Falasteen Electronic Newspaper
An educational & literary Monthly magazine
- The Headline Today in Palestine....
- The Holy Land Land profile, history, cities, Jerusalem, gallery....
- International Press Center (IPC) +
Providing services to local and foreign reporters and journalists....
- Jerusalem I Love You Monthly magazine - culture, articles, pictures, readers mail, links
- Jerusalem Times Internet edition
- Maán News Agency +
Promoting understanding of the Palestinian situation by strengthening cooperation between local and international media
- Occupation Magazine +
Provide information and alternative commentary on the ongoing developments in the Occupied Territories
- The Other Israel The Newsletter of the Israeli Committee for Israeli-Palestinian Peace
- Our Jerusalem Today's top news stories from Jerusalem, Israel and the Arab World - An Israeli site
- Palis-tine.com To educate individuals who thinks that Palestine doesn't exist.
- Palestine Chronicle Editorials, articles & news from Palestine, the Middle East and beyond....
- Palestinian Expatriate Retreat A weekly online-magazine publishing reports, articles and stories, industrial watch....
- Palestine Daily Editorials, articles & news about Palestine from the world media....
- Palestine Free Voice Local news from Palestine, poetry, artm litterature, music, heritage....
- Palestine-Israel Journal Culture, economics, archive, links
- Palestinian Information Center +
Daily news, political analysys, Palestinian Question, human rights, Zionist terrorism....
- The Palestine Monitor Disseminating messages and unified responses to the press about local developments coming from Palestinian civil society
- Palestine Report Weekly news, analysis and culture
- Palestine News Agency - WAFA +
News, economy, politics, photos, documents, geography, cities, archives, weather, annual reports....
- RamallahOnLine Opinions, news, petitions/activism, forums, photo gallery....
- Voice of Palestine
Latest news, articles, live TV, archives, polls....
- Washington Post Gaza and West Bank News
Radio, TV, Internet....
- BZU Outloud Birzeit University's online radio station
- Palestine Internet News Centre +
PINC - Providing daily news reports. Includes Voice of Palestine (listen in Arabic)
- Radio & TV Amwaj
The most popular private radio and TV service in Palestine
- TMFM 97.7 +
Radio Tariq Al Mahabbeh (Love Lane). Curfew days, special interviews, news, articles, children....
- Voice of Israel
Articles, Reports, Cartoons, Media related sites....
- Ali Abu Nimah's Bitter Pill Uncovering media myths about the Middle East
- Baha Boukhari Cartoon Featuring Abu-Arab, Abu Al-Abed, Arab & international themes....
- Electonic Intifada The war in the media for a representation of the Palestinian point of view....
- Guardian Unlimited Special report - Israel & The Middle East....
- Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) Provides journalists with quick access to information about Palestine and the Palestinians
- Israel-Palestine Watch Provides alternative news and analysis of this conflict....
- Omayya Jouha +
Cartoons - International, Palestine, Arabic, prisoners....
- One World +
Articles and news from different sources
- Palestine Media Watch Keep an eye on biased and unfair opinion pieces, columns and stories on the Palestinian crisis
- Ray Hanania's Media Oasis Writings, literature, speeches, books, issues....
- Support Palestine Articles & comments....
About Palestine
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* Arab Countries
Visit Arab Organizations for Pan-Arab, Middle East, North Africa and regional organizations
Government & Organizations....
Government, Ministries, Overseas Missions, Embassies....
- Political Leaders Dates and figures of the leadership (with pictures)
- Palestinian National Authority +
Official PNA website (gov.ps)
- Palestinian National Authority +
Official PNA website (.net)
- Al-Sakhra Establishment
Directorates, researches, technical assistant project, statistics....
- Government Computer Centre The communication hub of the PNA ministries and institutions.
- Health Information Center +
Palestine, the Ministry, health topics, events, newsletter, photo gallery....
- Ministry of Culture +
To support and strengthen cultural and artistic values in the Palestinian society
- Ministry of Detainee's Affair's +
Manage the negotiation file for the indiscriminate and unconditional release of all prisoners in Israeli jails
- Ministry of Education and Higher Education +
The communication hub of the education institutions, academic programs and their impact....
- Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
- Ministry of Finance +
Monthly reports, the Minister, key documents, reports, projects....
- Ministry of Finance +
Monthly reports, the Minister, key documents, reports, projects....
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs +
Foreign relations, key documents, articles,diplomatic missions, newsletter....
- Ministry of Health +
Directorates, researches, technical assistant project, statistics....
- Ministry of Industry +
Laying the foundation for sustainable growth oriented industrial development in Palestine
- Ministry of Information +
Palestine basic info, who's who at PNA, Jerusalem, Palestinian cause worldwide....
- Ministry of Justice
- Minstry of Local Government +
Minister's biography, concept of local government, general policy, objectives, duties,structure
- Ministry of NGOs Affairs +
Coordinating between various Palestinian & international NGOs & governmental institutions
- Ministry of National Economy +
Developing commercial and economic relations....
- Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs +
Setting up the systematic mechanisms for the relation between the Legislative and Executive....
- Ministry of Planning +
To improve the standards of living and the quality of life of Palestinians....
- Ministry of Social Affairs
- Ministry of Supplies +
Establishing an open market ,free from all means of monopolization and deception....
- Ministry of Telecommunication & Information Technology
- Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities Visit the main cities, events, travel information, directory....
- Ministry of Youth & Sport +
Organizing the youth and sportive activities inside and outside Palestine....
- National Plan of Action for Palestinian Children To ensure the development, protection, and participation of all children within the Palestinian territories
- Office of the President
The Planning Centre - Opinion, abstract, publications
- Office of the Prime Minister of Palestine +
Speeches, press releases, news & activities....
- Palestine Data Bank
Covers all aspects of life in Palestine
- Palestine Media Center +
A podium for official speech directed to the international public opinion - news, statements, articles, reports, documents....
- Palestine Monetary Authority +
Encouraging economical development
- Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) +
Statistics on demographic, social, economic and environmental trends
- Palestinian Development Plan +
Provides information on the progress and activities of the PDP
- Palestinian Economic Council for Development & Reconstruction PECDAR - Activity & economic reports....
- Palestinian Energy Authority Providing the citizens of Palestine with reliable electricity at affordable prices
- Palestinian General Delegation Finland
- Palestinian Legislative Council +
Elections, releases, library, members, committees, laws, international affairs....
- The Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science +
Utilization of the recommendation of UNESCO's constitution....
- Palestinian National Information Center +
A mechanism of gathering, cataloging, categorizing and updating Palestine-related information....
- Permanent Mission of Palestine to the UN Information on important issues related to Palestine and the UN
- The President's Office +
Statements, meetings, visits, letters, autobiography, current Issues, documents....
- PLO Negotiations Affairs Department (NAD) To follow up on the implementation of the Interim Agreement signed between Israel and the PLO.
United Nations & Foreign....
- Office of the Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories UNSCO - Support Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles
- United Nations Development Programme +
PAPP - The Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
- United Nations Population Fund Focusing on demographic training, maternal and child health care and family planning in the occupied Palestinian territory
- United Nations on the Question of Palestine Overview, resolutiions, UNISPAL, NGOs....
- United Nations Relief & Works Agency +
UNRWA - Provides services to 3.7 million registered Palestine refugees
- British Council in East Jerusalem Partnership with Palestinian people in the development of their society and institutions
- British Consulate-General Handles day-to-day relations between the United Kingdom and the Palestinian Authority
- Palestinian NGO Project Assists Palestinian non governmental organizations (World Bank financed project)
- US Consulate General- Jerusalem +
Press office, consular services, travel warning, Mideast peace, journals, articles....
Peace Process....
Visit Arab Peace Process for regional issues
- Americans & Palestinians for Peace AMPAL - Supports all peaceful efforts to achieve an independent Palestinian state
- Foundation for Middle East Peace Dedicated to informing Americans about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Gush Shalom +
Who & what, news & updates, publications & archives, links
- Israel/Palestine Centre for Research & Information IPCRI - A joint Palestinian-Israeli public policy think-tank
- Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group Jews and Palestinians Cooperate for Peace
- MidEast Citizen Diplomacy A US based organization dedicated to promoting Jewish-Palestinian reconciliation
- Nobel Prize Internet Archive Yasser Arafat
- Oasis of Peace +
A cooperative village of Jews and Palestinian Arabs of Israeli citizenship.
- Ta'ayush +
Arab Jewish Partnership
- Visions of Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine One in which Jews and Palestinians share the land of Israel/Palestine
Relief Organizations, Charities, Societies....
- Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières Activities, news, press releases....
- Grassroots International The One Million Dollars campaign, current situation in Palestine, Building Democracy Under Occupation....
- Joint Advocacy Initiative Focuses on bringing young people to Palestine to bridge cultural divides and allow them to experience life in Palestine
- Palestine Children's Relief Fund PCRF - Established by concerned people in the US to address the medical and humanitarian crisis facing Palestinian youths
- Palestine Red Crescent Society +
Health, social and other humanitarian services for the Palestinian People in the ME
- Palestinian Diaspora Centre SHATAT - Wherever there are Palestinians there exists the Palestinian Diaspora
- Palestinian Diaspora & Refugee Centre +
SHAML - Facts, figures, photo album, activities, publications, links....
- Saraya Centre for Community Services Serve mainly women and children of Arab Jerusalem
- Union for Good +
Coalition of charities in support in support of Palestinians in need
- United Palestinian Appeal Profile, programs, fund raising, NGO Links, humanitarian work.... (USA)
- USAID 1 Assistance to West Bank/Gaza....
- USAID 2 Assistance to West Bank/Gaza....
- Yafa Society
A society for social development
- Zakat Committee
A charitable committee in Ramallah/Al-Bireh
Industry Related....
- Applied Research Institute ARIJ - Promotes self-reliance of Palestinians through greater control over their natural resources
- Euro-Mediterranean Information Society The upgrade and modernisation of local telecommunication infrastructure....
- MA’AN Development Centre To develop training workshops in the areas of marketing and business skills (Ramallah & Gaza)
- Palestine Electric Company/Gaza Power Generating Company +
The first electric power generation facility in Gaza
- Palestine Standards Institution +
Accredited testing facilities, calibration services, and certification....
- Palestinian National Internet Naming Authority +
The Official domain registry for the Palestinian country code....
- Al-Ahli Hospital +
Patients Friends Society - Improvement of deteriorating health conditions in Hebron Area.
- ArabCare High quality and affordable medical services, continuous education and training for its staff, hospital....
- European Gaza Hospital Accessible to the general population as well as to accident victims - Khan Younis
- Gaza Community Mental Health Programme Help heal the scars of violence and oppression
- Health, Development, Information & Policy Institute HDIP - Improving the status of health care for all Palestinians
- Patient Care Charitable Society +
Offering health Services for Palestinian community especially in the Gaza Strip....
- Patient's Friends Society & K. Abu-Raya Rehabilitation Centre Vital services offered to the disabled Palestinians - Ramallah
- Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees UPMRC - Emphasize prevention, education, community participation....
- World Food Programme Fight against global hunger....
- Zeina - Center for Families & Friends of Children with Cancer +
Psychological and emotional support to the children suffering from cancer, Jerusalem
Other Palestinian & Arab Based Organizations & Action Groups....
- Arab Thought Forum, Al-Multaqa Identifying critical issues in Palestinian society for analysis and public debate
- Centre for Research and Documentation of Palestinian Society CRDPS - Gather documentation on Palestinian society
- Islamic Association for Palestine Advancing a just, comprehensive, and eternal solution to the cause of Palestine
- Jerusalem Centre for Women Promotes discussion of women's issues and advocate women's rights within Palestine
- Jerusalem Water Undertaking Improve the living and environmental health situation of the population of Ramallah and Al-Bireh
- Jerusalemites Educating and exposing the human dimension of the Palestinian people and their attachment to their land
- Palestine BDS Campaign +
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights
- Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue & Democracy +
Miftah - Documents, key issues, facts
- Palestinian Centre for Rapproachement between People The Palestinian question from a Palestinian point of view
- Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy Muwatin - Contributes to the process of democratic transformation
- Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
Majority of Israeli intellectuals and academics contribute directly to the occupation or complicit through their silence
- Palestinian Conflict Resolution Centre WI'AM - to build a democratic and just society (Bethlehem)
- Roads and Environment Safety Center +
Increasing awareness on road and environment safety issues
- Sabeel - Liberation Theology Centre Promotes international awareness regarding the identity of Palestinian Christians
- Women’s Studies Centre +
WAMEED - Provides field studies on the status and needs of Palestinian women
Other Overseas Based Organizations & Action Groups....
- Al-Awda - Palestine Right To Return Coalition +
Supports initiatives for action related to Palestinian rights (USA)
- Al-Awda-DC - Palestine Right To Return Coalition Educational and charitable and relate to human rights of Palestinian Refugees (USA)
- American Committee on Jerusalem Towards just, equitable and lasting solution in Jerusalem....
- American Federation of Ramallah Promote social interaction among members and to cherish common heritage
- American Muslims for Jerusalem To present accurate and timely information to the mass media and other interested parties
- Bethlehem Association A nonprofit, charitable and cultural corporation to help people of the Bethlehem region (USA)
- Christian Peacemaker Teams CPT - an organization committed to reducing violence by "Getting in the Way" (USA)
- DC Palestine Solidarity Works for a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians (USA)
- Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation A group to inform American Christians of the plight of Palestinian Christians....
- Institute for Palestine Studies +
Research & Publication Centre - Study of the Arab-Israeli conflict and Palestinian affairs (USA)
- Islamic Research Academy An international platform for the discussion of issues relating to Islamic Jerusalem (UK)
- London School of Economics Students' Union Friends of Palestine Society website
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign Raising awareness on Palestine (UK)
- Palestinian American Congress Assist the community in coordinating and organizing its political, educational, cultural and social affairs
- Remember These Children Call for an end to the killing of children, for a just peace in the region, for a fair resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict (USA)
- US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation A diverse coalition working for freedom from occupation and equal rights for all
About Palestine
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* Arab Countries
Travel & Tourism
Airlines, Air, Sea & Coach Charters Services
- Gaza Airport Entry conditions, technical Information, services & facilities, flights operate to/from GIA....
Travel, Tours, Guides.... More country info
- Atic Tours & Travel Holy sites, ancient cities and rich heritage
- Blessed Land Tours & Travel Combining tours with Jordan, Sinai, Egypt and Syria
- Daher Travel Holyland 2000, specialized in tours to the holy land
- Guiding Star Specialised in Christian pilgrimage and multi-country regional tours. Country info, maps, FAQs....
- Halabi Tours and Travel +
Gaza and surround
- Holy Land Experience and willingness for a trip to remember
- Holy Land Tourism Guide All the information that a tourist may need in order to plan a stay in the Holy Land
- InfoStar 2000 +
A highly informative source for the tourist and pilgrim to Bethlehem
- Master Tours Fascination, mystery, wonders, legends, history, civilization, and beauty… this is The Holy Land !!!
- Raha Tours and Travel A range of travel destinations, Palestine, Israel, Jordan and Egypt
- Ramallah OnLine Travel Guide Complete guide: History, climate, hotels, restaurants, galleries, theatres, museums....
- Srouji Tours Ltd. +
Buses & tours company - Nazareth
- United Travel - the Holy Land Facts, sites, tours....
- Universal Tourist Agency Holy Land itineraries, info....
- Lonely Palnet Destination Israel & the Palestinians Territories - A great guide
- Middle East Travel Accommodation, history, after hours, travel info, addresses, cities & sights, business....
- World Travel Guide Israel: Accommodation, addresses, business, climate, essentials, resort, social, travel
Hotels, Resorts, Inns, Hostels....
- Al-Yasmeen Motel & Souq Nablus - adjacent to Khan Al-Tujar where stores are lively with shoppers
- Alcazar Hotel Jerusalem - from a different point of view
- American Colony Hotel Jerusalem - History, tariffs, reservations, gallery
- Best Eastern Hotel & Resort Ramallah - Close to the main commercial and shopping centres
- Capitolina Hotel East Jerusalem - For an extra charge you can also use the YMCA sports facilities
- Grand Park Hotel Situated on the outskirts of Ramallah in a mountainous location overlooking the Jerusalem hills
- Commodore Hotel Jerusalem The joyful breeze of the Mt. of Olives, the warm hospitality in a pleasant family atmosphere....
- Jerusalem Hotel History, sites....
- Jerusalem Meridian Hotel Work & relax in style
- Jerusalem Panorama Hotel Offers a unique location on a hilltop overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem....
- Mount of Olives Hotel Jerusalem - Famous churches and sites, tours, restaurants....
- Hotels of Palestine Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Gaza, Nablus, Jericho, Ramallah
- Inn26 Hotels and motels directory, local info....
- Palestine Hotels Travel Guide Offers hotels and resorts online reservations
- Al-Bardauni - Ramallah Restaurant serving traditional dishes. History, services, menu
- Angelo's Pizza in Ramallah
- Askadinya Restaurant & bar in Jerusalem - French / Italian
- Pronto RestoCafe, Italian cuisine in Ramallah
- Flamingo's Restaurant Bar in Ramallah
Health & Travel Tips
- Foreign & Commonwealth Office Travel information, country advise, latest travel updates....
- Travel Document Systems Israel: Passports, visas, travel documents
- US Consular Information Israel and the Occupied Territories: Visa, health, crime/drug penalties, traffic
- Yahoo Weather Israel. By city. Forcast, sunrise, sunset, humidity, wind, dewpoint....
- Yahoo Weather Palestinian Authority. By city. Forcast, sunrise, sunset, humidity, wind, dewpoint....
About Palestine
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* Arab Countries
Visit Arab Gateways for Arab and other country links
Gateways to Palestine
- Al-Fahras +
Palestine search engine, directory, news....
- Gaza.Net +
Web directory, Arabic & English news coverage
- PalestineYellowPages Directory with addresses....
- PalEye
Gateway, job opportunities....
- PalGates
Gateway, cities and villages, refugee camps, articles, pictures, statistics....
- PalGuide A guide & directory to Palestinian links with local info
- PalSeek
Electronic directory & other information
- Weino Listing by catagories, cities, addresses....
About Palestine
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