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Computers Links

20/20 Software

Develops and markets PC-Install, an installation program for developers and consumers. Also offers the following programs: PC-Loan, finance software for analyzing mortgages, car loans, and so forth.

2000's Technology (3T) Inc.

Provides computer products and services. Also repairs and upgrades PCs and notebooks.

Acorn Computers Home Page

Contains information about Acorn Computer Products. Includes links to the Acorn FTP site, which provides many different patches and drivers.

ActionCall Help Desk Service

Offers solutions to your computer hardware and software problems.

Administrative Software from Cogent Computing Corporation

Specializes in software for departmental administration in public and educational institutions. Lets you use The Budget Director for financial management and CC-Track for task management.

Advanced Computing Systems Company

Focuses on advanced technology for distributed, networked client-server systems, including multiplatform environments.

Americomp Computers

Offers computer sales.

Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server

Offers Rubik's cube solver, puzzles, games, rule-based systems prototypes, articles, TechNotes, source code, and other information about prolog, rule-based components, and Amzi! products.

ANDOR Systems (Australia)

Offers a full range of business and personal computer solutions. Specializes in Novell Netware installation and support. Serves as a dealer for OPTIMA Computer Technology.

ANGOSS Software Intl.

Publishes business-to-business software geared toward providing a total solution set to the enterprise. Provides the Data Analysis/Decision Support Tool, which exposes significant relationships with your operational data. Offers Middleware and Development tools that provide solutions to corporate networks with data warehousing architectures. The Smartware development environment is a powerful application development system for office and other enterprise operations.

Anyware Fast, Inc.

Serves as a small software consulting and development firm, specializing in 2D/3D graphics. Handles all levels of software implementation, from device drivers to window systems to applications.

Apex PCMCIA Modems

Manufactures high-quality PCMCIA modems, Ethernet adapters, and combination cards for notebook computers. Also features a cellular-ready PCMCIA modem that connects directly to your cellular phone.

Apple Support and Information Web

Provides informaion about Apple's products. Includes in-depth descriptions of all the features of Apple's large variety of computers and accessories.

Applix, Inc. Home Page

Develops, markets, and supports Applixware, an integrated family of software applications and tools for real-time decision support and groupware. Applixware runs on most popular Unix platforms, and is soon to be released for Windows NT.

AppWare Developers Association

Focuses on educating the public about Novell's AppWare. Also includes a file with Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about AppWare.

AppWare Home Page

Serves as a visual development environment for Windows and Macintosh. Lets you create applications graphically without writing a single line of code. Includes a form that you can use to order a free AppWare demo CD that includes a working version of AppWare, movies, graphics, and sound, and runs on a Windows or Macintosh computer.

AppWrite, Inc

Provides solutions, connectivity, and expertise to get the information to where you need it, when you need it. Offers software development and consulting services in a multiplatform client/server computing environment.

Apricot WWW Home Page

Provides general information about Apricot Computers. Helps you find a dealer in your area. Doesn't contain much detailed information about the computers.

Archive Comparison Test (A.C.T.)

A monthly report that compares 45 different compression programs (archivers) for speed and ability to compress files. Also includes a checklist of special features some archivers can perform.


Provides information about Executor, a commercial Macintosh emulator for DOS, Linux, and NEXTSTEP. Offers free time-limited demos.

AT&T Global Information Solutions WWW Homepage!

Contains information about AT&T computers and other products. Also provides ordering information and product news. AT&T makes and advertises more than just personal computers here. Includes information about LANs and other types of networks.

Austin Software Foundry

Seeks to lead business clients migrating to client/server architectures and object-oriented application development methodologies. Focuses on developing components, tools, and techniques. Helps information development teams and managers build large, innovative applications to meet current and emerging processing challenges.

Banyan Systems Inc.

Develops networking software for large enterprise networks. Includes products such as enterprise services, messaging, network management and the StreetTalk[rm] naming service, and the popular VINES[rm] network operating system.

BarCode1[md]A Web of Information About Bar Code

Online publication about bar code and other automatic identification technologies. Includes extensive, original information as well as a collection of bar code shareware and links to other sites.

Bennett Products[md]Computer Sales/Networking/Consulting/Internet

Provides computer sales, consulting, networking, and Internet access and support. Offers free downloadables section and help creating HTML Web pages.

Blueridge Technologies

Incorporates document imaging, archival, text retrieval, workflow, OCR, and fax capabilities. Supports both IBM-compatibles and the Macintosh.


Builds and resells software development tools, training, and professional services for UNIX and cross-platform developers. Includes graphical user interface, database, client/server, and object-oriented technologies. Contains information about Bluestone's product, training, support, and professional services offerings. Lets you browse Bluestone's product and training catalogs, request more information, request a free product evaluation, request a free software skills assessment, or just drop a note.

BMC Software, Inc.

Focuses on meeting the needs of corporate IS professionals looking for information on solutions that automate application and data management across enterprise computing environments. Contains the latest product information, demos, seminar and education schedules, announcements, press releases, and partnership details. Provides registered customers access to product documentation, updates, FAQs, and forums for questions and answers with BMC Software's reaserach and development staff.

Bottom Line Online

Serves as a virtual marketplace for everything to do with the Macintosh computer. Updates the latest prices and product information on thousands of Macintosh-related products every 15 minutes.

Burnham Park Software, Inc.

Small software development and consulting firm located in Chicago. Offers several shareware releases, from games to business applications, available for download.

BYTE Magazine

Contains a five year, searchable archive of BYTE Magazine. Lets you download BYTE's benchmark tests, code samples presented in articles and shareware utilities.

C++ Course Book

Offers an online book that teaches you how to program in C++. Provides plenty of information, but involves significant online reading. Offers sample programs and conversion scripts.

CadSoft Computer GmbH


Provides information about CadSoft's EAGLE PCB Layout Editor. Offers information, technical tips, and support; an exhaustive world-wide list of distributors, and lets you download updates, new drivers, and free, fully functional demo version of EAGLE.

Camellia Software Corporation

Develops Batch Job Server, batch job management for Windows NT. Offers custom software and consulting.

Catalog of Free Compilers and Interpreters: introduction

Serves as an index to sites with information about free computer programming compilers. Contains a couple links, but not too many.

CD Learn: Interactive Audiovisual Training for Popular Applications

Offers a series of CD-ROMs that provide audiovisual lessons and reference guides for popular applications such as Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Excel, and Windows 95.

Cd Warehouse

Lets you shop online from more than 1,000 titles at low warehouse prices. Offers new specials each week. Provides an online catalog.

CD-ROM Advisor home page

Lets you request a free copy of the new quarterly, CD-ROM Advisor. Collects opinons on CDs that users have purchased and includes the ratings.

Cellular Works

Features the premiere issue of Cellular Works' online cellular communications and paging catalog. Provides a selection of accessories for all makes and models of cellular telephones and pages.

Chicago-Soft, Ltd.

Markets and sells mainframe software, featuring MVS/Quick-Ref and MVS/Quick-Ref for Windows, instant-access, online documentation tools that provide information for errors encountered in the MVS operating environment. Contains millions of lines of code representing nearly 40 vendors and over 200 products.

Cimio Ltd CAD++ STEP Data Exchange

Focuses on the development of STEP-based CAD/CAM data exchange tools.

ComCom Systems, Inc.

Offers a complete line of imaging products for your daily and personal needs. Offers scan compression software, desktop management, indexing, form processing, recognition of mark/check boxes, OCR and ICR, and document management.

Command Computer Services[md]CD-ROMs for Sale

Contains more than 500 CD-ROM titles. Includes educational, reference, business, games, adult, and other areas.

CompAdept Corporation

Specializes in personal computer and network consulting. Focuses on helping you and your business make decisions that allow you to use technology effectively and affordably. Also implements these solutions and provides on-going support and training.

Compaq Computer Corporation

Contains information about the Compaq Corporation and its many products. Lets you download FAQs, send e-mail to technical support, download drivers, patches, and utilties. Also lists jobs available at Compaq.

Computer Express

Online computer superstore. Provides a customer service link to help you out if you can't find a specific computer-related product.

Computer Goldmine

Buys and sells surplus and used computer systems and parts inventories. Includes micro to mid-range to mainframe systems.

Computer Literacy Bookshops, Inc.

Carries a selection of computer, electronics, high-tech business, telecommunications, mathematics, engineering and Internet books. Offers free book search and a book recommendation service, as well as world-wide shipping. Lets you order via e-mail.

Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms

A glossary of computer-oriented abbreviations and acronyms, updated three times a year (January, May, and September).

Computer Sun Times

Monthy online computer publication. Features hardware and software reviews and offers numerous feature articles on an everchanging list of topics.

Computer Training Academy

Microsoft Solution Provider Authorized Technical Education Center (ATEC). Serves Hawaii and the Pacific doing end user and technical training.


Provides a Visual Basic catalog of custom controls and other VB productivity tools. Contains overviews, prices, and author names, as well as where you can find a full description of the product's features and how to use it.

Computerized Data Management

Offers training and support for the home user and small business in the St. Paul and Minneapolis areas.

CONSULTIX, the UNIX Training Experts

Provides UNIX training and consulting services. Includes programming in the C, AWK, Bourne shell, and Korn shell languages, UNIX System administration, UNIX security, and the UNIX look-alike system, Linux.

Continental Resources: Computer Division

Contains systems and networking integration offered in continental United States and complemented by PC hardware and peripherals sales, rentals, and service (new and used equipment).

Continuum Information Services

Provides business information solutions, consulting, hardware sales, home information solutions, Internet solutions, maintenance, and software sales for churches, home offices, individuals, nonprofit organizations, schools, students, and small businesses. Lets you visit the Continuum IS eXchange, an online Internet Resource Center.

Coptech, Inc.

Provides high-quality software media duplication and fulfillment service, fast turnaround, courier service, personalized support, and affordable prices.

CORE Resources Web Site

Offers network design tips by displaying the LAN/WAN IP routing layout of the CPMC campus network. Offers other computing resources as well as links to related sites.


Serves as the online meeting place for Corelians. Provides discussion areas in which you can post questions, and provides a Corel Corporation presence, with press releases, support files, and product information. Also presents area for third-party vendors of Corel-related products.

Cornell Theory Center

One of four supercomputing centers funded by the National Science Foundation.

Cort Directions, Inc.

Specializes in payroll and human resources software for client/server (Windows) and the HP3000.

CrossWind Technologies, Inc.

Designs and markets workgroup productivity software. Offers Synchronize, a cross-platform scheduling, task and resource management tool designed to meet the needs of the corporate environment.

Crystal River Engineering

Develops and supplies 3-D sound technology for entertainment, multimedia, virtual reality, simulator, professional audio, and 3-D audio research markets. Provides company, technology, and product information and samples.

CS-100: The History of Computing

Presents a copy of a very detailed, college lecture given on the history of computing.

Cult of Macintosh

Offers hundreds of links for all Mac users.

CyberMedia, Inc.[md]PC 911 for DOS and First Aid for Windows

Introduces First Aid for Windows and PC911 for DOS, both of which provide instant support to PC users. First Aid fixes Windows configuration problems fast and automatically, while you work. PC911 keeps track of today's myriad configuration files in a PC.


Supplies financial and business management software to mid-size businesses. Features Flexx, which provides advanced client/server, and relational database technology to address your unique requirements.

DataLink by Timex

Offers the award-winning "DataLink Watch" by Timex[md]wireless PC to watch communication.

Dataserv Middle East & Africa Ltd

Serves the Middle East and Africa, supplying second user IBM and PCM hardware and peripherals.

David Reilly's Programing Page

Contains resources useful to programmers. Supports the following languages on the IBM PC platform: Pascal, C, Delphi, and Assembly. Offers various links to similar sites.

DayStar Digital

Contains information about DayStar Digital Corporation. Lets you join the mailing list, go to the FTP site, or register a product. Also includes links to magazines on the internet about Macintosh computers.

Dell Computer Home Page

Provides answers to questions about Dell computers. Includes pictures and detailed descriptions of their products. Also contains a copy of parts of Dell Corporation's annual report and employment opportunites.

Demo and Tutorial Builders from MIKSoft, Inc.

Provides information about two Windows development tools[md]Demo/Tutorial Builders for Windows Applications. Lets you download a copy of StDemo Player[md]a demo builder. Also includes an opportunity to watch a unique demo-presentation of ShowBasic[md]a demo/tutorial/CBT/presentation development kit for Windows.


Scans and converts large format engineering drawings into 100 percent CAD-ready vector files for AutoCAD .DWG, Intergraph .DGN, and .DXF files. Also scans and archives raster files into all formats.

Digital Dimensions

Provides quotes concerning memory and RAM pricing.

Direct Connections

Supplies hard drives, DAT drives, optical drives, monitors, CD-ROMs, scanners, and raid systems.

Domanski-Irvine Book Company

Promotes solid analysis design and design[md]irrespective of the mask of advancing technology.

Dowdell Business Services

Specializes in Windows NT/Novell real-time database interfaces. Includes network issues.

Dubl-Click Software

Makes products for the Macintosh, Windows, and Newton platforms. Lets you download information, demos, and products for purchase.

Dylan Greene's Windows 95 Home Page!

Provides information on Windows 95. Lets you download Netscape for Windows 95, read the Windows 95 FAQ, and download device drivers.


Converts signature and logo samples into scalable TrueType fonts for use with software supporting Microsoft's TrueType fonts, running under Windows or comparable operating system.

Edinburgh Multimedia home page

Offers a full multimedia service.


Provides easy access to a wide selection of merchandise. Carries more than 8,000 products.


Provides leading edge technology and quality services. Offers design, prototype, manufacturing, and test services for printed circuit board assemblies and final box build.

EMJ Data Systems

Distributes computer products and peripherals, specializing in high performance products for Apple, CAD, Point of Sale, UNIX and Telephony applications.

Exide Electronics

Manufactures uninterruptible power systems (UPS) and network power management software. Provides company and product information or register to win a free UPS. Also informs you of how to save your company more than $78,000 an hour.

Fineware Systems

Offers quality software for home or office. Lets you download evaluation editions of all Fineware products, including the Space Hound and Peeper disk utilities.

Fly-By-Day Consulting

Provides software consulting services in C and UNIX, specializing in communications and porting. Also offers many aviation links, including current weather observations and forecasts.

Fujitsu Systems Business of America Home Page

Provides software development and technical support for the UGMX family of CAD products.

Future Net

Offers more than 10,000 information-packed pages on topics ranging from world news, computing, video games, music, sports, and more.

FutureBASIC Home Page

FutureBASIC is a powerful BASIC programming language for the Macintosh. Includes code, a brochure, utilities, a catalog, and more.

Gateway Users International

Contains a link to an FTP site where users can get many different drivers for their Gateway Computers.

Genesys LLC Home Page -- Premier Telephony Products for Windows

Invites you to look at some of Genesys's telephony products, like CallerEGO DX, a call management system for Windows, and RACom, a remote agent communicator for the ROLM CBX.

Global Computing, Inc.

Offers computer hardware, software, and networking items. Ships, UPS ground, from nine warehouses across the United States. Provides a downloadable electronic price book for Windows, which features more than 25,000 products.

GMT Home Page

Provides network consultancy services, including development, installation, load analysis, optimization, implementation, and training. Undertakes complete turn-key networking projects, including initial design, cabling installation, implementation, training and on-going support contracts.

Golden Triangle (Texas) PC Club

PC users group in southeast Texas (APCUG affiliated).

GUIDE International- An IBM User Group

User group for the management of information technology. Provides information about conferences. Also offers many publications you can order via fax.

GUS Electronic Marketplace

A shopping mall with a wide variety of vendors of electronic and computer products, including a shop that makes jewlery from recycled computer parts. Offers a link to an adult shopping mall.

Halcyon Users' Group

Offers Internet help and information to customers of Northwest Nexus in Bellevue, WA (and anyone else, for that matter).


Provides symbolic processing, electronic publishing, and Harlequin applications. Programs in C, C++, Dylan[tm], Lisp, ML, PostScript[rm]r, Prolog, and whatever else it takes.

Hartford Computer Group

Sells, services, and leases a full line of computers, peripherals, and equipment from manufacturers like Apple, IBM, Compaq, NEC, AST, Texas Instruments, and others. Offers free technical support, fast delivery, warranties, and more.


Provides several C++ class libraries that implement neural networks (PC-DOS, Windows, NT, UNIX[md]IBM, HP, SUN, SGI). Also provides contract and custom software development and project management services to business, scientific, and research interests.

HDS Network Systems

HDS Network Systems manufactures and sells a line of full-featured high performance X terminals. HDS X terminals offer a full suite of audio and video clients, including analog and digital video, IP Multicasting, and live TV/cable displays.

HELIOS Software

Provides high performance, easy-to-use client/server solutions for Apple Macintosh, DOS/Windows PCs, and UNIX workstations; uses UNIX/RISC-based systems as the server platform.

Historic Computer Images

Contains a small collection of historic pictures of computers that bore names like ENIAC, VAX and Cray.

HPI's Visual Release Line of Installation Products

Specializes in providing high capability installers for a number of popular platforms. Visual Release is HPI's baseline product, offering a Windows-based environment from which you can develop a sophisticated installation (setup) program. Also offers a number of add-on packages to extend Visual Releasse's capabilities to include cryptography, Windows NT platforms for the PowerPC, MIPS, and Alpha, client/server capabilities, and a VBX version. Provides product information, as well as technical support and information on other services.

HTA Link

Committed to simplifying the networking process and providing solutions to your specific needs. Offers benefits by effecting practical solutions that impact your bottom line.

IBM 3D Interaction Accelerator

Workstation-based interactive software product that enables real-time visualization and inspection of large and complex mechanical and architectural CAD models. Provides navigation control through a variety of input devices and a proprietary simplification technique. Allows real-time navigation through models whose complexity significantly exceeds the limit at which the graphics hardware can operate at interactive rates. Enables you to navigate freely through models comprising thousands of parts and millions of faces.

IBM OS/2 Games Home Page

Provides information for game developers and game enthusiasts who want to combine the power of OS/2 Warp with PC-based games. Includes announcements related to OS/2 gaming (demo events, new products, articles), developer information, and gaming tips, as well as links to an ftp site and other sources of relevant information.

IBM Personal Computers Home Page

Offers a support section and a searchable database for information and solutions to problems about IBM personal computers. Also contains new and old press releases about IBM. Includes a file library filled with patches, software updates, and popular utilities.

ICA Home Page

Serves as a forum for information and technology in Japan. Provides information about the organization in English, along with a phone number (in Japan) you can use to obtain the most recent copy of their newsletter.

Ice-9 Publications

Contains information about how to order hard to find books on a variety of computer-related topics. Also contains a few links to other computer-related sites.

IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Gigabit Networking

Provides information on TCGN activities, workshops, conferences, and publications. Offers links to other gigabit networking projects, researchers, and sites.

IEEE Computer Society[md]Purdue Student Chapter

Strives to educate members about the benefits of professional membership and provide a service to all students at Purdue.

IN Jersey

Offers the latest in shareware. Provides message boards and resource libraries for Mac, Windows, OS/2, DOS, and Amiga users. Also offers a variety of information that can link you to sports, political issues, current events, and online dating.

Index of /1/perlinfo/scripts/

Contains many downloadable scripts written in Perl.

Indiana University's UCS Knowledge Base

Contains the answers to more than 3,000 questions about computers and computing. Answers general computing questions about hardware and software, as well as questions about how to use and configure popular hardware and software.

InfoImaging Technologies Home Page

Offers free software. Lets you can send password-protected digital files from your PC's fax modem to any other fax-modem[nd]equipped PC. Lets you compress a 30-page document into a one page fax. Lets you use the global fax network to send digital files faster and for far less money by encoding them as compressed images. Lets you send color documents, executable software, and multimedia files by fax.

Information Builders Inc.

Develops EDA/SQL. Also contains LEVEL5. Offers to read, update, or convert your database. Provides information on what Information Builders has to offer.


Serves as a resource directory for graphic designers, computer users, and advertising agencies. Offers links to help users stretch their creative limits.

Intelligent Systems Integration Program

Joint initiative by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) set up to address the important area of intelligent systems in UK business.

Intergraph Corp.

Offers HSM optical mass storage for Windows NT. Features DiskExtender, from Intergraph, a flexible and efficient storage management software available for Windows NT. Manages jukeboxes and standalone devices, WORM, R/W Optical, CD-ROM, and Tape[md]transparent to the user. Virtually unlimited storage can be used for archive, backup and data intensive applications at a fraction of magnetic storage costs.

InterWorking Labs

Offers Test Suite software products for sale, performs custom testing of networking products, and organizes group interoperability events. Tests products, including SNMP, RMON MIB, MIB II, Printer MIB, Host Resources MIB, X Windows, and Windows TCP/IP products.

Investor's Advantage

Performs analysis on stocks, commodities, mutual funds, options and market indices.

IPC Technologies, Inc. on the World Wide Web

Contains information about Austin computers. Lets you browse their catalog online and order your own copy via e-mail. Contains customer service for their products. Manufactures Austin notebooks and PCs. Lets you register to win a free Austin notebook computer as well as investigate PC Magazine Editor's Choice Award-winning Pentiums, the new Austin PowerPLAY based on the Motorola 604/100 Mhz RISC CPU, and other computer products.

Ipsys Software Home Page

Provides client/server development tools. Also contains technical information on developing client/server systems and news on the latest topics in the industry.

ISDN-High Speed On-ramp to the Digital Highway

Introduces the world to IDSN. Contains information about ISDN, rates for business and home use, how to use it, and related products and services.

JUMBO! Shareware Archive

Offers thousands of freeware and shareware programs. Includes categories for business, games, personal, programming, utilities, and graphics. Add new programs weekly.

Laitron Computers

Provides computer sales and services by mail order. Also provides free technical support to anyone needing help over the Internet.

List of the world's most powerful computing sites

Provides a list of the most powerful computers in the world.

Loviel Computer Corporation

Specializes in digital video, multimedia, and video conferencing. Provides system configuration and technical support.

Mac Talk, Inc's WWW Page

Full service Macintosh reseller.

Macmillan HTML Workshop

Provides the latest information about the HTML standard. Offers links organized according to users' skill levels. Includes an HTML-oriented hypermail forum and Macmillan's free HTML Survival Guide.

Macola Software from Osiris

Combines Macola and network expertise with ODBC SQL client/server solutions for the ultimate in flexibility.

MacZone Internet SuperStore

Carries a full selection of Macintosh hardware, software, and peripherals. Also offers overnight delivery, secure online ordering, and the chance to win free computer products.

MAEstro Software

Develops multimedia authoring software for UNIX workstations, including a suite of end-user authoring tools, distributed multimedia messaging system, and full developer's toolkit.

MakeMPEG[md]the home page!

MakeMPEG[md]the key to video for users of Autodesk's 3D Studio[md]the ultimate way to create MPEG files.

Mantissa Computer Systems

Serves hardware, software, and networking needs. Stocks all standard equipment and provides a variety of surplus goods.

Maui Software

Develops applications for the Macintosh and to some degree for Windows. All programs are shareware and can be downloaded. Features TimeTracker, an easy-to-use application for recording time tasks on the Macintosh, and a sneak preview of TimeSlice, a commercial product that takes up where TimeTracker left off.

Megabytes Radio Show

National radio show about computers. Provides a program schedule listing and lets you browse through the online newsletter.

Meiko WWW Server

Contains product and technical information about Meikos scalable, parallel computing systems. Explains why this company believes that scalable, parallel computing is a better solution for large organizations to adopt than using "old iron" mainframe computers.

Meridian Computers and Consulting, Inc

Provides businesses with the right computer solutions. Includes services for network design, sales, and installation; service, repairs, consulting, and training.

MetaCenter Computational Science Highlights

Contains descriptions of some of the 10,000 scientific research projects that have used the resources of National Science Foundation supercomputing centers, ranging from astronomy to zoology, including scientific breakthroughs on black holes, how the heart works, pollution control, and modeling the oceans. Also provides images with the reports, and animations and sound with many of them.

Micro-Frame Technologies, Inc.

Specializes in Windows-based client/server project management, resource management, and time management software.


Contains links to all of Micron's Web sites, including Micron Technology (DRAM and memory products), Micron Electronics (Micron and Zeos computers), Micron CMS (custom manufacturing), Micron Internet Services (Internet provider), and Micron Construction (building construction management services). Each site features information about Micron's products and services and techincal support.

Micropolis Corp.

Produces high-capacity, high-performance storage products, including AV-optimized hard disk drives, RAID subsystems and controllers, and video-on-demand systems.

Microsystems Software Inc.

Lets you download demo copies of Microsystems products, read company publications and press releases, and enter a monthly drawing. Lets customers who have support contracts submit problem reports. Also offers an online e-mail list.

Music Screeners

Lets you view and download Sony Music Video Screen Savers. Also provides installation instructions and troubleshooting tips.

NEC Home Page

Provides information about NEC computer products (in English or Japanese). Includes a list of events and trade shows at which NEC will be displayed. Also discusses the many research and development projects with which NEC is currently involved.

Net Guru Technologies, Inc.

Offers hands-on training classes in client/server computing, security for UNIX and TCP/IP networks, connecting to the Internet for businesses and end users, TCP/IP internetworking, UNIX internetworking, SNMP, frame relay, ATM, and more. Lists sites at which classes are held.

Net-One System's Personalized CDs

Offers to make personalized CDs (data, music, and so on).

NetEx Unofficial Windows 95 Software Archive and Discussion Forum

The famous Windows 95 page with the user-submitted tips, tricks, software, and now HyperNews-threaded discussion forums.

Netplan ApS. Consultants in Telecommunications

Consultants company in the field of tele- and datacommunications. Netplan is involved in several international projects and currently participates in standardizations work.

Network-1 Software and Technology, Inc.

Provides network and security software products, consulting, and training. Tells you how to secure your Internet connection easily and economically, using FireWall/Plus. Also offers Network-1's NET1-AccessPlus. Offers and explains other products and services as well.

New Wave Computers

Offers upgrades, repairs, and services for the small business owner and indivuals. Also offers parts for your PC.

New World Graphics and Publishing

Distributes Spanish language software. Features PFS: WindowWorks, which seeks to provide the answer to all your computing needs in Spanish, and the Key Translator English-Spanish for Windows, which translates documents between Spanish and English or vice versa.

Nightware Energy Saving Switch for Laser Printers

Details energy-saving Nightware product.

North Carolina Supercomputing Center Homepage

Provides information about supercomputers. Describes the different types of computers at the NCSC in detail.

O/S Boot Select

Provides a customizable boot menu with a timeout and the capability to automatically set the active partition before booting, which avoids boot problems on some UNIX systems.

OAK Software Repository

Contains thousands of downloadable software titles for DOS and Windows. Lets you search the directory by subject area.

OC Systems AdaMania Page

Produces software. Develops Ada compilers and tools for numerous platforms and targets.

Onion Peel Software Home

Designs and develops network management applications for the Hewlett Packard OpenView Network Management platform. OPS is an HP OpenView Premier Solution Partner. Products include the Productivity Series for HP OpenView, RoboMap for HP Openview, and ROVE for HP OpenView.

Ornetix Network Computing

Offers software solutions to share local resources like CD-ROMs, MOs, storage media, and printers in Novell NetWare networks. Offers links to sites in Munich.

Pacific Animated Imaging

Specializes in designing software products that are engaging as well as affordable.

Packard Bell

Lets you look up dealers in your area. Offers a trial link to the Packard Bell ftp site, which provides updated drivers, patches, and software.

Pages INK, Inc.

Specializes in creating and/or maintaining of Web sites.

PARC: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

Performs research that covers a broad spectrum of research fields, ranging from electronic materials and device research through computer-based systems and software, to research into work practices and technologies in use. Lets you retrieve research documents as well as interact with online projects.

PAROLE Software[md]BBS Doors and Utilities

Lets you download the latest versions of PAROLE Software Doors and Utilities. Offers links to other sites.

Parsytec Computer GmbH

Supplies cognitive systems based on scalable high-performance parallel computers for industrial and research applications.

People-Planner Labor Management Software

Reduces labor costs, improves customer service, and increases operating efficiency. Products include People-Planner Forecaster, which projects business and labor requirements based on sales history and user defined labor standards for each job in the store; People-Planner Scheduler, which creates optimium employee schedules by matching employees to shifts based on hundreds of user defined criteria, such as productivity and seniority, while minimizing over- and understaffing; and People-Planner Time & Attendance, which captures employee work time using electronic time clocks or other devices and calculates work time for payroll.

Perl reference materials

Offers links to other sites that deal with the Perl programming language, including to archives, newsgroups, FAQs, and online guides.

Perspectives of the Smithsonian: Smithsonian Computer History

Provides information about computer history available. Contains many pictures as well as transcripts of interviews of many well-known computer people, including Bill Gates.


Converts photographs into 3D computer models. Provides documentation describing PhotoModeler, photo-to-model projects done by users, and links to other 3D-related sites.

PoolWizard for Windows

A new Windows-based application that helps homeowners maintain their swimming pools.

PR101: An Introduction to C

Online tutorial for people that want to learn to program in C. Includes interactive tests and many examples.

Praxis International

Provides software and consulting for database, data replication, and data warehouse applications. Products include Model 204 for IBM, S1032 for VMS, and OmniWarehouse, and OmniReplicator (UNIX).

PRC Inc. Home Page

Uses information technology to help customers manage change. Offers business process re-engineering, management consulting, software development, application products and systems engineering, computer system integration, facilities management and outsourcing, and environmental- and energy-related engineering services.

ProSoft Consulting

Offers web page design, remote technical support, and consulting services.


Psion organizers let you send faxes, connect to Windows on a PC, play games, compute your finances, and even read advise on fine wines. Lets you order a Psion organiser over the Internet.

PurePower: a magazine for PowerBuilder people !!

PurePower contains information for anyone using PowerBuilder, including testing tips, advice, product information, and market direction. Lets you download the first issue free.

Quadrillion: Data Analysis Software for Semiconductor Manufacturers

Develops data analysis software and training for semiconductor manufacturers. Features Q-YIELD, used by engineers to help determine the causes of yield loss and production problems.

Questicon, Incorporated

Provides services, from application modernization and support of legacy business applications through complete outsourcing, and products that can improve utilization of existing systems, reduce costs of information, and increase profits.

QuickMedia[md]Living Album

Develops and publishes multimedia software, Living Album for the Macintosh and Power Macintosh. Living Album allows any color Macintosh users to quickly and easily assemble multimedia albums with each entry linked with photo, audio, video, text, and text-to-speech.

Restaurant Technology, Inc.

Provides accounting and restaurant management software for fast food restaurants.

RIGAL[md]a language for compiler writing

Provides Rigal, a compiler construction language developed at the University of Latvia.

Safetynet, Inc. AntiVirus and Security

Provides software evaluations and information covering computer security, anti-virus, and network management software for DOS, Windows 3.x, Win95, OS/2, Netware, Vines, NTAS, LAN Server, Pathworks, and other operating environments.

SAIC Los Altos Home PAge

Develops risk, reliability, and safety methodology, and applies the techniques on processing plants, aircraft, and other large engineering systems.

School Music Master for Windows

A complete School Music organizer. Lets you catalog every aspect of your music program, including music, personnel, publishers, equipment, recordings, CDs, videos, sheet music, and more.

Scientific Computing and Automation Magazine

Serves the computing and automation needs of more than 70,000 scientists, engineers, and managers who specify and buy computers, instruments, and peripherals.

Scientific Visualization Sites

Offers images on the Web. Claims to offer an annotated bibliography of every visualization Web site.

SEYMOUR[Md]300,000 Images Shot Over the Net

Offers search, browsing, pricing, licensing, and delivery. Features more than 300,000 pictures from more than 40 sources world-wide.

Shana Corporation

Offers a variety of information and software relating to the company's line of forms processing software, including product information and specifications; recent press releases; pricing; corporate profile; success stories; complete up-to-date listings of informed consultants; software demos and extra files. Covers all aspects of the forms process, including design, revision control, filling, digital signatures, routing, approval, tracking, and database links.

SoftInfo Software Information Center

Contains full descriptions of more than 16,500 software products and profiles of 4,500 suppliers. Covers all platforms from PCs to supercomputers. Includes full contact information, including e-mail and Web addresses when available.

SoftLinx, Inc. Web Page

Defines network fax solutions, highlights various network fax configurations, and provides help for purchasing a network fax solution (pricing, local distributors, etc.)

Software Publishing Corporation Home Page

Provides business productivity software for Windows, including the Harvard visual communications product line.

Software Surplus Corporation

Serves as a clearinghouse for publishers, distributors, and retailers of overstocked, over-produced, or distressed inventories. Offers current version and previous version packages.

Software Tools for Logistics Problem Solving

Provides software and consulting services for solving various logistics and scheduling problems utilizing sophisticated algorithms and information technology.

Software Translation Tools

Lets you view the data sheets for our ASM360/370, ASM86, MASM, Cobol, PL/I, and PL/M to 'C' software translators. Also lets you download demonstration programs of these conversion and migration tools.

Starvector Software

Sells discount CD-ROM titles on a retail and wholesale level. Covers such categories as games, reference, educational, edutainment, shareware, mapping, religion, and more.

Sterling Information Group

Specializes in client/server and object-oriented custom software development as well as systems integration engagements.

StrandWare Home Page

Provides bar code design and printing software for the personal computer. Includes a corporate profile, product fact sheet, and ftp high-resolution photos.

Stryder Communications, Inc.

Specializes in open systems technology.

Stylus Innovation, Inc.

Sells Windows-based tools for building computer telephony and voice processing applications, such as interactive voice response (for example, touch-tone banking), fax-on-demand, and voice mail sytems.

Sunbelt Software Distribution, Inc.

Distributes utility software for the Windows NT environment. Also offers disk management and client/server utilities.

Sunshine Computers

Provides state of the art computer systems and custom software development.

Swan Technologies

Contains product specifications and sales information on Swan Technogies' line of IBM compatible computers. Lets you use the Config-o-Matic to custom configure and price the PC you want.

Synapse Communications, Inc.

Provides 5250 conectivity to the IBM AS/400 computer system from the windows environment. Presents product information and company history, as well as a way to contact use to receive a free working demo copy of our software.

System Optimization Information

Focuses on helping people get the most out of their systems.

TCP3270/NET3270 for Windows

TCP3270 for Windows is a tn3270 protocol terminal emulator specifically designed for superior IBM mainframe access from the Windows desktop. TCP3270 is a fully featured emulator, specifically designed for Windows developers to produce desktop applications to remotely re-engineer mainframe applications without disrupting mainframe operations.

TechTools Home Page

Offers specialized MS windows application development software that programmers and nonprogrammers can use to develop business software applications.

TENET Computer Group Inc.

Specializes in Novell Netware, multiplatform connectivity, and e-mail integration. Offers links to computer manufacturers and provides price lists.

Terminate Home Page, The Final Terminal

Offers Terminate, an advanced DOS communication software with support for Internet and many other features.

Texas Micro Home Page

Makes computing products.

TGV Software, Inc.

Offers a line of products designed to meet the growing need for platform-independent, professionally managed IP products.

The ATS Home Page

Provides new and used Macs and peripherals, as well as Apple components on a repair/exchange basis.

The COBOL Programming Language

Provides information about COBOL. Includes a list of compilers.

The Confederation for Future Computer Professionals

Includes information about this group, a copy of their weekly magazine, and other information. Also provides a form you can fill in to join their e-mail mailing list.

The Image Factory

Specializes in media, multimedia authoring, digital imaging, nonlinear digital editing, and 3-D graphics and animation.

The Millennium Solution

Provides information on an inexpensive solution to the year 2000, when computer date systems expire.

The Molloy Group, Inc.

Features the Cognitive Processor[tm] for intelligent problem resolution.

The Novell Smithsonian Innovation Network

Honors recent Computerworld Smithsonian Awards Program winners such as Gordon Bell, Linda Roberts, and Dr. Andrew McCammon. Explains how these eaders and shapers of the Information Age have used computer technology to make all our lives better. Also contains a database of award winning, innovative uses of information technology.

The One-Stop Windows 95 Site

Provides links to virtually all of the Windows 95 resources on the Internet. Also contains Win95User Magazine.

The Ottawa Microsoft Users Group. (TOMUG)

Users group to complement the interest in Microsoft products and cultivate the free exchange of related information among all interested persons through means such as presentations, discussions, educational sessions, and distribution of educational materials.

The Preferred Net.Shopper

Offers hundreds of computer systems, softwares, and parts available at discount prices.

The Well Connected Mac

Online guide to everything Macintosh, including FAQ lists, vendor contacts, software, web sites, mailing lists, and more.

Thomson Software Products

Supplies ADA compilers, GUI development tools, and database development and reporting products.

Time Crafter (shareware)

Adds the ability to have up to 50 waves, 50 signals, and 200 text objects. Also adds the slanted edge option, which lets you create professional-looking waveforms. Also now lets you add and delete signal edges by using the delete and insert keys when a edge is highlighted.

TimeLess Technologies Schedule Wizard Software

Creates balanced schedules for sports leagues in minutes.

Tosoft Children's Educational and Quit Smoking Page

Contains free software to help people stop smoking. Also offers a shareware game available for children.

Total Systems, Inc. (TSI) Home Page

Sells supercomputer equipment, such as Silicon Graphics (SGI) Hardware and Software solutions. Also specializes in Novell Networks, design, and complete WAN and LAN implementations. Carries more than 30,000 hardware and software names.

TRG, Inc.

Lets you explore issues impacting colleges and universities. Shows how TRG's partner institutions are using innovative technology solutions to respond to these issues.

Tumbleweed Software Corp.

Develops software to enable people publish and consume documents electronically.

Unforgiven Productions '95 Home Page

Provides such items as DOOM I/II Utilities, RealAudio clips, and pictures.

Used Computers, Etc.

Sells used, warrantied computer hardware and software, from the XT to the 486. Also repairs equipment, upgrades PC compatibles, and accepts consignments.

Victoria Macintosh Users Group

Represents the Macintosh Computer Users Group.

Visual CADD Home Page

Numera Software is the creator of Visual CADD, the open architecture CAD program for the '90's. Visual CADD is the first affordable, professional- level CAD program to combine ease-of-use, speed, and user programmability into a single unlimited package. Created by the programmers that developed Generic CADD(r), Visual CADD is ideal for architects, mechanical engineers, industrial designers, space planners, surveyors, and electrical engineers.

VRML Repository

The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) is a developing standard for describing interactive three-dimensional scenes delivered across the internet. The VRML Repository is an impartial network resource for the dissemination of information relating to VRML.

Welcome to Apple Networking and Server Products

Provides information about Apple's networking products. Tells about current promotions and special deals. Lets you upadate your old client/server software.

Welcome to The Computer Museum!

Lets you participate in a variety of online interactive exhibits about computers.

Welcome to the Lotus Selects Catalog

Provides Lotus-related product information, including CD-ROMS, upgrades, books, and video.

Windows Utilities Page

Contains a large collection of windows utilities programs available for downloading, broken down by category. Describes and rates each individual program for effectiveness and usability.

Word Master, Inc.

Specializes in client/server application development.

Worlds Fastest Desktop Computer

Explains how you fit a 64-bit 275 MHz supercomputer on your desk.

Xebec Corporation Online Imaging and Supplies Superstore

Offers printer and typewriter ribbons, inkjets and refills, laser toners, laser drums, photocopier toners, office supplies, and cellular items.

XPRO Systems

XPRO Systems are manufactured by Continental Resources. Desktop, tower, notebook, and industrial/rackmount units are available from 486 CPUs and up.

Yost Serial Device Wiring Standard

Describes the Yost serial device wiring standard.




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