Alrashid Cyber Mall, is Designed and hosted by Nova Stars Informations Services, Memeber of The Saudi Network, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi Arabia, Arabian gulf and middle east area.

Quran, Arabic and English
1001 Arabian Network

Saudi Arabia, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi Arabia, Arabian gulf and middle east area.
Member of
The Saudi Network, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi Arabia, Arabian gulf and middle east area.
Saudi Arabia Trade and Business Directory
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Internet Links

5 Top Internet Marketing Successes

Provides information on the top 5 Internet marketing success stories. Includes information regarding Pizza Hut, Doom!, and other successes.

A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email

Presents a beginner's guide to effective e-mail. Talks about the ways to express intonation and gestures thru e-mail. Gives information on page layouts and format of e-mail as well.

A Beginner's Guide to HTML

Presents a beginner's guide to HTML. Talks about linking to other documents, troubleshooting, and creating forms.

A Handy Guide

Serves as a complete guide to thousands of sites on the Internet and Web. Lets you search by category or company name. Also offers learning American Sign Language as an option.

A List of Virtual Libraries on the Web

Offers links to collections of information, based on the subject matter of those sites.

A primer for creating web resources

Offers a list of links to HTML resources. Also offers links to Perl and CGI languages for creating top-of-the-line Web pages.

A Thousand Points of Sites

Generates random Web site links. Sends you to a Web site randomly selected from it listings when you access.

A Web Resource Site

Serves as a complete Web resource site with HTML commands, software for publishing, searches, libraries, and high-speed Web host connections for your company or home page.

A1 Index of Commercial WWW URL Submission & Search Sites

Indexes hyperlinks to numerous commercial sites where you can gain exposure for your Web page by submitting your Web page or URL address to searchable on-line malls, business directories, and databases.

About Web/Genera

Provides Web/Genera, a software package for integrating Sybase databases into the Web. Offers downloadable alpha mode (pretesting) software.

Aether Madness

Provides online version of the book, Aether Madness: An Offbeat Guide to the On-line World. Lets you click on things that sound interesting and quickly transfers you. Includes many tours.

All-Internet Shopping Directory

Serves as an easy-to-use, fast-loading central hot link to products, services, malls, and stores on the Web.

Andy's MetaSearch System (AMeSS)

A simple metasearch tool for the Web. Searches InfoSeek, Yahoo, Lycos, and Webcrawler's databases, and returns the combined results.

Ansible's Web Page Design Services

Provides Web page design and HTML coding services. Offers to help any company construct a Web pPresence based on their marketing literature, product catalog, newsletters, press releases, print ads, proposal boilerplate, and so on.

Argotech Business Systems Networking Solutions Provider

A Novell, Netware, Microsoft, and UNIX networking company that specializes in connectivity solutions for southern California.

Argus/Univeristy of Michigan Clearinghouse

Serves as a clearing house for subject-oriented Internet resources guides. Lets you submit your own guides or obtain guides written by people on various Internet-related topics.

Aspen Systems Corporation

Provides complete Internet services. Offers requirements and needs analysis, Internet publishing services, systems support, and customer support. Specializes in professionally designing home pages to get noticed.

Association of Internet Users

Provides information about the association and the benefits of membership (one benefit of joining is that you can register your domain name for free).

Association of University Technology Managers

Features resources for the technology transfer professional. Offers links to other resources. Also includes information about AUTM (publications, membership, events), job postings, and a way to search lists of technologies you can license from more than 20 different university, government, and organizational sites in one query (via a harvest gatherer).

Astoria Software

Provides the ZipLock Payment System, a secure, automatic credit card processing system for Internet electronic commerce.


Utilizes Netscape version 1.1 and connects you to a different Web site every 12 seconds. Lets you find totally random sites with little effort. Also lets you change the amount of time between connections.


Provides information, software, and links related to Web-authoring and automated cybernetic delivery. Offers a download site for Web hot spots, an image map editor, and the Cyberspace Shuttle Loading Kit (a toolkit for creating single-step Web smart Zip files).

Babbs's Bookmarks

Monthly column featured in Boardwatch Magazine. Focuses on Web sites that help you make the most of the amazing resources available on the Web.

Banana Report Easy Visual Basic Tips

Provides a way for Visual Basic programmers to get quick tips and techniques that solve common Visual Basic programming problems.

Beverly Hills Internet

Award-winning Internet presence provider based in Beverly Hills, California. Contains hundreds of free home pages, organized into neighborhoods reflecting various sites, such as WallStreet or HollyWood. Presents a thriving community, including in these bustling GeoCities live video feeds from all over as well as the freshest hotlists.

Building Internet Servers

Provides a collection of information and links to information on how to create an Internet server. Covers a very wide range of PC based operating systems. Includes a tutorial.

c|net: the computer network

c|net: the computer network, creators of c|net online and the television series c|net central, is an on-air and online interactive showcase for computers, multimedia, and digital technologies.

Canada Net Pages

Provides a place for businesses to become part of the Web. Registers clients in search engines such as What's New and Yahoo. Also provides links for various pages, such as Canada Net Financial Pages and Canada Net Business Directory.

Carter & Associates WEB Studios

Specializes in Web page construction for individuals and companies who want to advertise on a personal or corporate scale on the Internet. Offers to create and maintain an established business presence for you on the Internet. Creates a look and feel that is customized to the personal tastes of our clients.

Censorship and the Internet

Offers a collection of links about censorship and associated issues on the Internet. Offers resources on the legal and ethical issues of running a Web service.

Cerebral Systems Development[md]Home of Webber[tm]

Offers Webber[tm], a fast, friendly, and flexible HTML editor for Windows. Provides full-featured help, including HTML tag descriptions and an easy-to-use validation system to help you create valid HTML documents. Lets you download Webber as shareware (this version supports the HTML 2.0 dtd). Also offers a registered version that supports the draft HTML 3.0 dtd and Netscape Extensions.

Charm Net Personal IP Page

Provides information on how to connect your computer directly to Internet. Includes information for users of Macs, Windows, Windows NT, and OS/2.



Provides information about IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Offers recorded dialogues from various disasters (the Oklahoma bombing, assorted California earthquakes, and so forth).


Provides information specific to Canada. Lets you search the database by clicking on the geographical regions on a map or by using standard keywords.

College and University Home Pages

Provides links to the Web pages of more than 750 colleges and universities around the world. Provides information on schools. Lets you search alphabetically or just browse.

ColorEditor for Windows

Provides a standalone MS Windows shareware to assist the Web page author develop a HTML page color scheme using extensions to the HTML 3.0 specification. Provides a Style Box that enables users to edit, save, and retrieve color schemes. Runs on Windows 3.1, Windows 3.1 for Workgroups, and Windows NT 3.5.

Columbines Grow Here, Apparently

Serves as a guide to Colorado Web sites and links about government, law, business, media, sports, the outdoors, and entertainment.

Comics 'n' Stuff!

Contains links to more than 50 different comic strips (some daily) on the Web. Includes popular ones, such as Dilbert, and others less known, like Buzz the Fly.

COMMA Hotlist Database

Provides a graphical searchable database. Lets you choose your search criteria from their list and then searches and gives you an output list.

Commerce Place

Contains hundreds of stores through which you can surf. Offers VirtuaLynx, which can help your company out by linking or setting up a storefront for your business in Commerce Place.

Commercial Services on the Net

Provides a collection of links to commercial Web sites on the Internet. Lets you search by a word or name of a company.

Common Internet File Formats

Provides information on the different file types and formats on the Internet. Each blurb about a specific file type also gives links to obtaining readers for that type.

Comprehensive Listing of Law Enforcement Sites on the Web

Possibly the most comprehensive list of law enforcement-related sites on the Web.

Connect, Inc.[md]Audio Innovations

Harnesses the power of audio on the Internet. Provides applications that let you instantly update your Web page(s) or e-mail applications by simply picking up your telephone and calling a fully automated system. Also qualifies as an authorized AT&T 900 service bureau, so can set up and run any 900 or 800 voice or data application.

Cool Science Site of the Day

Offers a collection of science-related Web sites, selected for content and design.

Cool Site of the Day

Connects you to the cool site of the day on the Internet, determined by the moderator. Works better than a random site connector because the sites are more likely to be pretty cool.

CRAYON[md]CReAte Your Own Newspaper

Serves as an interactive news agent. Lets you choose from sections such as News, Sports, Entertainment, and others to find the best periodical information on the Internet. Lets you organize it into your own personal newspaper[md]you might never read a print publication again.

Creative Web Co-op

A group of experienced Internet professionals who provide net access to the world. Features a team of HTML architects, researchers, writers, systems administrators, and graphic artists who can design, construct, and maintain Web sites. Includes offices in Canada, the United States, and Australia.

CSUSM Windows World

Provides virtually any shareware Windows software. Lets you search the entries by keyword.

Current Weather Maps / Movies

Offers a complete collection of weather images, compiled from a variety of satellites and sources.

Cyber Trek Technologies Home Page

Offers connections to various sources, such as sports information, news, weather, and so on. Features a link to a site that gives the most recent news from ABC using the RealAudio tool.


Offers many links to some major (and not so major) search sites. Serves as a place to go for starting queries for specific, possibly rare, information.

Cybergate Systems Inc.

Provides Internet solutions, home pages, programming, graphics, and scanning services. Also sponsors the USA Football Center Online, which gives scores and updates to college and pro and features a pregame show.

Cyberspace Today ISP Index

Presents a database on Internet Service Providers (ISPs) around the United States. Lets you search by area code, alphabetically, and by services.


Provides information on personal privacy, including links to personal privacy and cryptography information and resources.

Database Demos

Shows how you can set up your Oracle-based database management system (DBMS) for access via the Web. Good for creating your own search engine or providing Web access to large bodies of information.

Dave's Netscape Tricks

Includes a collection of interesting and funny Netscape v1.1+ tricks.

David B. Martin's VRML Page

Provides a decent page of VRML links, describes what VRML is, and offers a little bit about its inventors.

DCI's Internet Expo

Provides information on the Expo that happens in Toronto in September and then again in Boston in November. Offers information about the more than 100 conference sessions and advice online from Internet business experts.

Dr. Jim's Virtual Veterinary Clinic

Focuses on common behavior and health-related questions asked by pet owners.

Dunn & Edwards Services

Provides a variety of services and resources for development of sophisticated home pages for use on the Web.

Dynamic Diagrams Home Page

Focuses on the organization and presentation of information in print and electronic forms, interactive publication and prototype design, SGML applications, Web servers, and computer kiosks for museums.

Easy Mosaic and Introductory Web Surfing

Serves as a basic primer on using the Mosaic Web browser. Provides a history of how information was disseminated before the Web.

Economic FAQs about the Internet

Presents a collection of FAQs about the economics behind the Internet. Discusses the technology behind the Internet, the NSF backbone.

Economics and the Internet

Provides a collection of documents related to the economics behind the Internet. Includes high resolution slides.

Economics of Networks Internet Site

Provides information and links to the economics behind all networks. Includes downloadable papers on topics ranging from network compatibility to financial networks.

EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet

Features a list of Internet providers by state, and describes e-mail, usenet groups, ftp, telnet, and BBSs.

EFFweb[md]The Electronic Frontier Foundation

Nonprofit civil liberties organization. Promotes privacy and free expression. Includes many online resources and references. Contains EFFector Online, its publication.

EINet Galaxy

Serves as a search site. Includes general topics and sublists under each of these. Also offers a list of job opportunities.

Enterprise Internet Services

Acts as a major provider of Internet Services based in the Isle of Man, British Isles. Also specializes in providing Web-based applications that utilize a secure Netscape Commerce Server. Offers a diverse and extensive Web server for all applications.

Entry Level

Presents a guide to entry-level Internet information. Gives advice on searching the Internet, offers style tips for newsgroups, and provides information concerning how to use encryption.

EPage Classifieds

Popular classified advertising forum. Free for the Internet community. Lets you view all classifieds by region or subject; all classifieds can be anonymous for your safety. Contains some regional newspaper classifieds that you cannot find elsewhere on the Internet.


Serves as a search site for finding resources for the Internet. Arranges areas by subject.

Exploring the Internet

Introduces you to blindspinning, spinning around and then going in a random direction. So, provides all sorts of random links.

FLFSoft, Inc. Home Page

Develops Windows-based utilities and Internet software and services. Features Web Spinner, a Windows-based HTML editor.

Fountainhead Internet Systems

Full service Internet presence provider based in Los Angeles, California. Provides Internet hookups, consulting, Web page design, and training. Also publishes the Los Angeles Superstation.

Free Internet Encyclopedia

Presents an encyclopedia composed of information available on the Internet. A MacroReference contains references to large areas of knowledge. A MicroReference contains information and references about a specific subject.

Free Range Media, Inc.

Specializes in keeping track of the newest tools. Produces a wide variety of Web-related products. Also shares many tips and techniques.


Offers links to information and sources that might offend some people. Helps you peruse the darker side of the Internet. Offers links to sites on how to improve your sex life, how to make bombs, and so forth.

FutureNet:.net1, Dec '94[md]Easy Internet[md]Introduction

Serves as a complete and in-depth beginner's Internet guide. Provides information on how to hook up your machine, how to use information to your advantage, and more. Also provides a history of the Internet.

FutureTel, Inc.

Possesses leading technology in both compression and telecommunications, so is uniquely positioned to serve the needs of the digital video publishing and distribution markets. Provides the most complete solution to the challenges of distributing and publishing digital video both on CDs, and wired and wireless networks. The company's digital video publishing product line includes PrimeView, a family of real-time PC-based Mpeg encoders, and MPEGWORKS, a comprehensive encoding control software package for human assisted or pass-through compression.

Get the Hell Out Of Dodge

Presents a collection out of Web sites, but differs from other random Web link pages in that the maintainers of "Dodge" must approve the links on this page. Serves as a random linker, but excludes some of the really boring Web sites you find on other random linkers. Also lets you choose your area by topic and go from there rather than randomizing.

Glass Wings: All that is Fun Wise and Wonderful

Provides a collection of links and a search site for only fun and nonbusiness-oriented stuff. Includes an online mall where you can buy things, links to humorous sites, and more.

Global Institute for Interactive Multimedia

Provides information and guides for teaching people how to create a home page. Divides the information according to the audience: for example, provides teachers a different tutorial than for business owners.

Global Network Navigator Home Page

Presents GNN, the creaters of the Web browser Mosaic. Provides information on Mosaic and GNN's net Internet access service. Includes their Whole Internet Catalog and offers perusable online publications on virtually every topic.

Glossary of Internet Terms

Lists Internet and computer-related acronyms.

GTLug ISP Index

Lists Internet service providers (ISP). Lets you you find ISPs by clicking on a map of the United States.

Guide to Mapping the Internet

Presents Gordon Bell, one of the pioneers of the Internet, discussing his views on the direction in which the Internet now should proceed. Discusses his proposal for ending the problems with limited bandwith and the increased traffic on the Internet. Includes a slide show and sound bites with the presentation.

Guided Web Tours

Presents guided tours of the Web.

Hideki's Home Page: How to Use Japanese on Internet

Provides information about how to use Japanese on the Internet. Offers many links to Japanese resources, including information on Netscape's Japanese Capable WWW Browser. Also provides many links on Japan.


Specializes in getting businesses and organizations on the Web as simply and as inexpensively as possible.

Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Wish List

Contains a camp established by Paul Newman for children with life threatening illnesses.

Home Space Builder

A 3-D Web authoring tool that enables you to create a 3-D home space using a standard Windows personal computer. Offers beta 1 for free.

HomePage Cards

Creates a special greeting card with your home page on the cover and URL inside. Also offers to arrange to mail the cards as a turn-key service.

Hot Topic: Internet 25th Anniversary

Celebrates the Internet's 25th anniversary from September 1st to December 31st of 1995. Provides information about how the Internet was born, links to information sources on things like the history of the Internet, the Internet timeline, and more. Also provides information about the UNIX 25th anniversary and the Charles Babbage Institute online.

How to Seach a WAIS Database

Provides information on how to begin and structure a WAIS search. Describes how to use Boolean operators, wild cards, relevance ranking, and so on. Offers a tutorial on using a WAIS search engine.

How To Select an Internet Service Provider

Describes what you should look for when you set out to purchase an Internet connection. Includes information on network topology, network link speeds, technical staff, and more.

HTML Hot List

Lists HTML-related information. Encourages you to add links to other informational pages. Includes links to CGI, forms, image maps, tables, and lists. Includes information on the latest developments in these areas.

IBC: Internet Timeline

Presents Hobbes' Internet Timeline. Covers events related to the creation of the Internet, such as Sputnik's launch in 1956.

ICC: Internet Seminar Series

Provides information for businesses concerning security, firewalls, and server design and implementation.

ICL ProSystems AB

Provides the Internet e-mail product, EMBLA.

Image Alchemy Digital Imaging

Presents a gallery of digital art and photography, traditional art, and photography. Offers services such as photo retouching and manipulation. Also designs Web sites.

Image Compression for Publishing Online

Provides information about Johnson-Grace company, a multimedia software development that has developed an image compression format called ART. Suggests that using ART enables image compression three times more efficient than when you use Jpeg or GIF. Targets online service providers and publishers. Says that using the ART format enables you to download quality images in one-third the time.

ImageFX[md]Computer Graphics and Animation

Specializes in 3-D graphics and animation for corporate logos, broadcast work, multimedia, Web page design, and VRML creation. Also offers video digitizing services. Includes samples of their work that you can view and download from our pages.

INFO Online

Focuses on oncology and specifically provides information for physicians dealing with networks, integration, and pharmaceutical companies. Also provides information for people involved with oncology, including patients.


The library at the University of California. Aims to make resources available to UCR students and staff, but is open to the public. Offers many online card catalogs and articles.


Serves as site for browsing the Internet and locating specific resources. Features Internet resources, guides and tutorials, news and weather, library resources, fun and games, a reference shelf, and a miscellaneous section. Includes several original search engines, as well.

International Business Resources on the WWW

Serves as an index of business, economics, trade, marketing, and government sites with an international focus.

Internet access providers around the world

Offers a list of Internet access providers.

Internet Bookshelf

Contains book reviews, ordering information, and more on books that relate to the Internet.

Internet Business Center

Provides information about conducting business on the Internet, Includes Internet statistics, maps, and charts. Also lists hot sites and services.

Internet Business Connection

Offers home page development and marketing services to any business seeking an Internet presence.

Internet Conference '96 Home Page

Provides information on the Internet Conference '96, to be held at Niagara Falls, Canada, in February, 1996. Includes the itinerary, registration information, and hotel and airline accomodations. The purpose of the conference is to be showcase new Internet products and services.

Internet Conference Calendar

Lists upcoming conferences, syposia, conferences, and workshops related to the Internet. Lets you use the submission form to add your own events to the calendar. Also lets you list upcoming events geographically. Provides links to separate pages for each event listed, if available.

Internet Connection for Windows

Provides information about IBM's Intenet access package for Windows. Includes product features, requirements, and pricing information.

Internet Connections


Provides links to various Internet software packages. Provides information on all the different packages you can use to access the Internet. Lists the standards and some lesser-known ones as well.

Internet FL Group

Provides Internet consulting to get you connected with a service provider and up and running on the Internet. Specializes in home page authoring and design in the south Florida area.

Internet Info Store Directory

Tracks commercial activity on the Internet. Offers special reports online about financial service firms, public software companies, and venture capital firms on the Internet.

Internet Learning Center

Offers tutorial columns, as well as "where to go" columns. Also includes links to Unix Reference Center, Hyptertext Guide, Rinaldi's Netiquette, Odd de Presno's Online World book, and other Internet resources.

Internet Marketing Resource: A HowTo!

Serves as an Internet marketing resource site. Offers some commonly asked questions and answers for prospective Internet businesses.

Internet Phone

One of the most talked about applications of the Internet. Lets you use the software at this site (and a PC that has a sound card) to talk to people anywhere in the world for free. Provides downloadable information about the program.

Internet Relay Chat Games

Offers information and history on the most popular games played on the IRC network. Offers information on Risky Business, Chaos, Boggle, and Acrophobia.

Internet Resources Newsletter

Free monthly Web newsletter. Focuses on higher education and the Internet. Features lists of new Internet resources, plus other items of interest.

Internet Resources

Contains pointers to more than 100 guides, lists, and indices of documents that help you learn how to use the Internet. Includes pointers to The December and Yanoff Lists, Patrick Crispen's Internet Roadmap (in HTML), The Awesome List, and many others.

Internet Servers for the Mac OS

Contains many links to Macintosh-specific software packages for running a Mac-based server. Topics include mail servers, mail gateways, ftp servers, telnet servers, and so on.

Internet Tour

Overviews the Internet. Incorporates many graphics and a laid-back attitude. Shows you how to send birthday flowers.

Introduction to HTML: Table of Contents

Presents a guide to authoring Web pages. Divides sections by different images, lists, and anchors. Gives information on how to take advantage of Netscape functions.

Introduction to the Internet II

Provides information about a class to introduce users to various resources available on the Internet.

Introduction to the Internet

Offers links to a variety of Internet resources. Offers many links and provides information on different Internet programs.

Joel's Hierarchical Subject Index

A lesser known but fairly thorough search site.

Kevin's Internet Encyclopedia

An online encyclopedia (incomplete). Provides an abstract and then lists resources for the topic (for the subjects that it contains so far).

Kids on Campus (Cornell Theory Center)

The Cornell Theory Center sponsors Kids On Campus as part of our celebration of National Science and Technology Week. The purpose of this event is to increase computer awareness and scientific interest among Ithaca-area third, fourth, and fifth grade students. We want to introduce computing to children in ways they can enjoy and understand. Hands-on computer activities, innovative videos, and exciting demonstrations help the children develop interest and excitement in computers and science.

List of WWW Archie Services

Offers a list of hypertext links to Archie (Archive) servers. Helps you find files anywhere on the Internet. Lists archie servers that use forms and others that don't.


Offers a directory service that provides easy-to-use Name to e-mail address mapping.

MagicURL Mystery Trip

Focuses on providing things from hippies, including such things as lava lamps. Offers links that are screened by moderators before being added to the database, ensuring that they are, well, cool.

Making Money on Internet

Offers information on electronic publishing, Internet economics, education, and other areas.

Map of GNN Sites Worldwide

Provides a graphical interface that shows the locations of all the GNN sites around the world.

Media Connection of New York[md]Links Page

Offers a collection of links to Web resources in or about New York City.

Media Logic's Index of Economic & Financial Resources

This index of resources is provided by Media Logic as a service for the Internet community. It provides a searchable index of data, news, and services that are of interest to investors, researchers, and other members of the financial community. Unlike many other Internet indices, all entries here are subject to editorial review to insure that they are useful, relevant, and current.

Medius Communications Inc.

Medius Communications Inc. provides Corporate Internet access and presence serivces, enabling organizations to plan, build, implement and promote complete online information and application services.

MeGALiTH's Sensational Visual IRC Beta Homepage!!

Visual IRC is the first of a 'new generation' of IRC clients for Windows, incorporating state-of-the-art file transfer, audio, and advanced IRC features. Features channel surf and other great features. Grab the latest beta (0.41c) from this page.

Meta-list of What's New pages

Offers a collection of links to all of the different Internet What's New sites for Web.

Motorcycle Shopper On-line

Motorcycle Shopper On-line is the electronic version of the printed magazine. You can read & place classified ads online, read motorcycling news & articles, download databases, visit the 'Vendors' section, and more!

MultiMedia Dimensions[md]New Horizons In Sight & Sound

MultiMedia Dimensions is a full-service interactive multimedia and Web Page design and consulting company helping people find the right business solutions for their needs and budget.

NETCOM On-Line Communications Services, Inc.

Contains information about Netcom, one of the nations largest Internet Providers. Offers local access numbers online for subscribers on the go. Subscription information available online.

Netscape Tutorial

Gives a step-by-step tutorial on using Netscape. Can be very in-depth. Allows for different levels of expertise.

Netscape: J.P. Morgans Equities Research

A rather large report by JP Morgan associates on the impact the World Wide Web has and will have on business. Tables and Appendices are useful.

NetView Press Release 17 July 1995

Information about NetGuardian, a program that allows parents to monitor what a child sees on the World Wide Web. Gives product and ordering information.

NetWatchers Legal Cyberzine

A monthly e-zine that reports on legal developments in cyberspace and the online world.

Network Hardware Suppliers List

Look here to find a list of recommended used telecommunications and hardware dealers. These dealers have been recommended by various people all over the net.

New Rider's Official World Wide Web Yellow Pages

The online version of this book. Searchable by keyword. Obviously the most complete and useful search site available. %%%Alan, do you want this in here, will it change with this book?%%%

new3, Inc

new3, Inc. is a leading edge website architectural and development firm. With highlevel technical knowledge of programming plus a creative focus, new3, Inc has played a role in bringing some of the best sites to the Web. Their speciality is areas of development considered too complex for many developers.

Newton Online

Newton Online provides business consulting for companies who want to compliment marketing and communications strategies by using the Internet. Web page and Web site outsourcing.


More than 3200 links to dazzle and amaze you! If websurfing were any more fun they would have to ban it! Everything you could ever want is here and categorized so it is all easy to find. Webaddicts beware!

NlightN: Finding What you want to know...Now!

With a single query, the NlightN Universal Index searches the Web, World News, Online Databases and traditional reference sources.

Nothin But Net A-B Sample

Nothin But Net (NBN) is a complete Internet EncyclopediaT covering more than 200+ categories packed with 2,500+ non-commercial, resourceful Internet sites. Provides a sample excerpt from the A-B categories as well as full ordering information.

Omega West

A site with something for everyone. Well-organized into a hierarchical structure, everything from business resources and financial tips to a broad spectrum of entertainment and Web developer resources. Omega West, an international distribution and services company, will soon have an "intelligent interface" that is capable of adapting to users' actions. This, of course, will mean that return visits and continued interaction will provide users with a personalized interface.

Overall Knowledge Company, Inc.

Overall Knowledge Company, Inc. is a general Web preseance provider with an emphasis on the film and television trades as well and the arets and entertainment industries. We also publish several industry-specific directories on the World Wide Web.

Patrick Crispen's Internet Roadmap

This is the Internet Roadmap online training course, available in HTML. This is a well-written tutorial, and very user-friendly. A must for any school Internet coordinator's bookmark list!

Photo Exhibitions and Archives

Provides a collection of links to photography-related sites. Attempts to divide the links up into categories. Also offers many links to photo images on the Internet.

PICC Home Page

Partners for Identifying Content in Cyberspace. Seeks to control access to the Internet by indexing various resources. Offers online information about its proposal. Offers a list of frequently asked questions.

Planet Earth Home Page

Search site on the Internet, organized like a library. Offers a library floorplan that you can use to browse the sites in its database. Also lets you search the database by keyword.

Point Survey and Escort

Provides a large collection of reviews of Web sites. Rates sites for content, presentation, and experience. Includes more than 1,000 reviews across many categories. Helps you get started on the Web with answers to common questions and guided tours of browsing software and sites.

Presence[md]An Information Design Studio

Focuses on providing innovative and effective marketing solutions through the Internet.

Prospero's Global Stage

Focuses on adding live interaction to the Web. Lets you download the software for free here and offers discussion areas.

Publicize Your Home Page

Provides a collection of links to various search engines. Focuses on connecting you to the part of these search engines that allows you to register and add your own home page.


Serves as a starting point for resources associated with commercial nuclear power and emergency preparedness for commercial nuclear power generation facilities. Also includes an index of Internet-related resources for generalized information.

Q-D Software Development

Presents the creators of WebForms, the Web forms generator, and WinBrowse, the multiple PC database utility.


Provides cutting edge technology blended with award-winning traditional design to offer Interactive Multimedia services, Internet presences, and Web pages, CD-ROM and CD-I authoring, interactive touch-screen kiosks, and corporate communications.

RealAudio Home Page

Provides RealAudio, software you can use to both record and play your own sound. Many Web sites use RealAudio on the Internet to provide audio.

RealWorld Research Home Page

Provides the answers to everything your mother warned you about. Also provides a business link for people interested in research on any topic. Also contains links to Web search engines and databases.

Recondite Reference Desk

Serves as a starting place for Web searches. Features an online form that is linked to the search forms of major data sites.

Rob's Multimedia Lab

Provides many images, sounds, and movies.

Sample Form

Presents a form for no other purpose than to provide examples of how you can create various objects on a Web page. Teaches you how to make check boxes and buttons.

Search, Find[md]Internet Resource Locators

Provides a graphically oriented set of links to search engines on the Internet, such as Open Text Web Index, InfoSeek Search, and others.


Lets you access databases that contain information about millions of people. Helps you find addresses all across the United States. The computerized equivalent of Directory Assistance, but without the bother. Also offers pricing information.

Searching the Web

Provides information and links to searching for information on the Web. Offers links to searching services, searching software, and searching references.

Setting Up Shop

Provides information regarding commercial use strategies, including do's and don'ts of online marketing.

Sibylla[md]General Description

Provides information on Sibylla, a development kit geared towards creating Web software whose purpose is to provide access to information sources (such as company databases) through the Web. Also provides pricing information on the software.

SpectraFAX Corp. Home Page

Describes fax broadcast and fax on demand technology. Also compares costs for reaching United States markets via fax and via postal service from locations outside the United States. Introduces the SpectraFAX Service Bureau and lets you use an online form to arrange for fax services.

Spinning the Web: WWW Servers


Gives information on how to create a Web Server. Offers an accompanying slide show that provides hardware specifics needed to make a Web server.

Stannet WWW Designing & Publishing Co.

Focuses on authoring, designing, and publishing Web pages for businesses and individuals. Performs custom graphics work. Maintains and upgrades customers' sites as needed. Offers to meet customers in the greater New York City area in their offices.

Starting Point (Add to your Hotlist!)

Provides a starting site for finding information on the Web. Offers many links.

SuraNet's Archie Guide

Provides information on how to use archive servers (Archie). Provides formats for simple and complex searches.

Surf the 'Net with PacketWorks

Provides full Internet access in the Clearwater, Sarasota, Tampa, and Ft. Myers calling areas. Offers PPP dialup and dedicated connections at speeds ranging from 28.8 V.34 via modem to 115.2kbps via ISDN. Carries a full Usenet newsfeed and maintains high availability by keeping the user-to-line ratio at less than 10:1. Provides details on pricing and a map of the exchanges.

Surfin' the Net

Introduces the Internet.

SurfWatch Home Page

Presents SurfWatch, a program for reducing the risk of children uncovering sexually explicit material on the Internet. Talks about its agreements with AOL and offers an online product demonstration.

SWITCH[md]Swiss Academic and Research Network

Presents SWITCH, an Internet service provider that interconnects all Swiss universities, many libraries, and research labs, as well as other Swiss and international organizations.

Table of Top Level Internet Domains

Offers a listing of all the top level Internet domains.

Teach Yourself the Internet Support Page

Provides a structured tutorial to teaching yourself how to use the Internet and all of its tools in 21 days. Targets beginners, but serves as a good tutorial overall. Spends one week teaching the basic Internet tools, then other weeks focus on the personal and professional uses of the Internet.


Provides information about the American South's burgeoning film and video industry.

That Place

Offers a unique rating system to make choosing from the available links much simpler, updated at least weekly, and usually more often.

the aaabook

The Annotated Australian Address Book. Offers a collection of Australian Web sites.

The Almost Complete HTML Reference

Presents a guide to HTML.

The Bare Bones Guide to HTML

Lists every HTML 2.0 tag and most of the 3.0 tags, with a special section on the Netscape extensions.

The Business of the Internet

Introduces the Internet for Commercial Organizations. Offers information about the structure of the Internet, how the Internet can help business, and how to connect your business to the Internet.

The Canadian Internet Handbook/Advantage Home Page

Presents guides to Internet access in Canada. Lets you add your Canadian Internet address to the handbook, find out more about their publications, send the authors e-mail, and more.

The Categorical Catapult

Offers a database of more than 1,000 links, organized hierarchically.

The Cyberspace Connection

Offers a variety of resources, from search engines to personal and commercial Web links.

The E-Minder Free Reminder-By-Email Service

Offers to send you automatically-generated reminder messages for any event or occasion for which you register. Requires an e-mail address, but otherwise is completely anonymous. Lets you specify the number of days in advance you want a reminder. Provides a simple e-mail interface that you can use to list or delete reminders.

The Executive Guide to Marketing on the New Internet

Online paper. Focuses on the effect of the Internet on business. Talks about the changing role between the Internet and the marketing executive. Speculates on the future on the Internet.

The Film and Broadcasting Page

Lists various resources in the film and broadcasting media, including various broadcasters, regulators, associations, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, freelancers, and so on.

The Hermes Project

Presents an ongoing research project that is trying to determine the commercial uses of the Web. Offers an online consumer survey from people on the Web.

The High-Tech Investor

Discusses investment-related resources on the Web and offers a collection of links to some of those resources.

The Iconovex Corporation Server

Produces Indexicon, indexing software for word processors, and AnchorPage, indexing software for Web servers. Offers full information on Iconovex Corporation's product line, as well as demonstrations of their products.

The Internet Advertising Resource Guide

Offers many links to information about advertising on the Internet. Offers links to Web tracking services, advertising law, and its role on the Internet and a list of best Internet stores.

The Internet Companion

An online version of the Internet Companion, 2nd Edition. Provides book review and answers such questions as "Who runs the Internet?"

The Internet Pearls Index

Features collections of the best of the Internet. Includes sections for beginners as well as comprehensive coverage of topics such as business, medicine, jobs, cinema, shareware, astronomy, futuristic technologies, fun, cartoons, comics, virtual reality, and more.

The Internet Sleuth

Offers a collection of more than 500 searchable databases on a wide variety of subjects. Offers links to a search form or page that lists a number of related searchable databases. Also lets you search by keyword or browse alphabetically or by category.

The IRC Galley

Serves as a place where people using IRC can put up images of themselves. Lets you search by country or name.

The IRC Poker Channels Home Page

Offers everything you need to know to play IRC poker. Lets you play poker with people anywhere in the world in real time.

The Japan Yellow Pages

Offers links to information pertinent to and/or located in Japan (in Japanese).

The Lycos Home Page: Hunting WWW Information

Provides a Web search engine. Contains more than 5.5 million Web pages in its database. Provides context for evaluating whether a document or page is relevant to your search.

The Maserati Pages

Targets not only Maserati enthusiasts, but all fans of high performance automobiles. Includes graphics images of Maseratis as well as pictures of other fine Italian automobiles. Includes links to other interesting automotive sites and clubs. Includes an advertisers section for people who want to buy, trade, or sell and a tech section.

The Meeting Place

Serves as a way to meet adults who share similar interests anywhere over the Internet. Lets you input your interests and then lists people who report the same interests.

The Mother-of-all BBS

Seeks to collect all Web addresses of all companies, universities, research centers, government agencies, research projects, and hardware and software annoucements, into one searchable.

The Multimedia Help Page

Provides quick access to sources of multimedia tools and tips on the Web. Also provides links and tips for video production, search engines, and production tools for the Apple Newton.

The NET Compass

Serves as a meta-index for searching the Web by subject or by keyword, and for searching ftp software by file name or by file description.

The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette, by Arlene Rinaldi

Offers a collection of user guidelines and netiquette for the Internet. Discusses legal and ethical issues involved.

The NetWorXs of California

Offers a full range of Web home page authoring and design services. Also offers full turn-key systems, including training in-house personel so that you can enhance your Web server as your services or products change.

The New User Directory

Presents a large collection of links to information. Offers tips for specific kinds of computers (MAC, IBM, UNIX, and so forth), links to search engines, and more. Also provides information on how to create Web pages and download software.

The Online World resources handbook

Provides practical advice on using the Internet to get information or programs. Breaks topics down into various topics, such as how to get free expert assistance, how to read your electronic daily news, and more.

The Personal Home Page of Bob Hunter

Focuses on testing HTML coding examples and pushing the limits of hypertext markup language and all of its extensions.

The Postcard Store

Lets you choose a virtual postcard from the rack (which mainly consists of famous paintings) and then you can attach a message and then send it to someone.

The Professional Photographers Web Page

Lets professional photographers can research locations, get weather reports, hotels and airfare, Photoshop and Corel draw tips, links to Kodak, and other-related sites.

The Today Page

Offers a collection of links to sites that change daily; for example, includes links to news, your horoscope, and weather photos.

The Transformer WWW Pages

Offers links to all other transformer resources and provides a small picture archive of its own.

The University of Toledo Instrumentation Center in Arts & Sciences

Provides information about resources and activities available at the center for the research communities in the University and northwest Ohio.

The Unusual or Deep Site of the Day

Offers links to sites that provide some sort of intellectually stimulating purpose.

The URL-Minder: Your Own Personal Web Robot

Presents the URL-minder, your own personal Web robot, which retrieves your registered URLs regularly and reports back to you by e-mail when they change. The URL-minder also runs searches on Web databases regularly and lets you know when anything new that matches your search shows up. It also keeps track of the places you've been, so you can spend your time (and money) doing new things on the Web.

The Virtual Tourist

Provides a graphical map interface that you can click on to find and then jump to Web servers operating in many countries around the world.

The Virtual Town City Limits

Contains many links to stores, public offices, and other things you might find in a real town. Lets you manuever around it they way you do around a real town.

The Web Letter, a Guide to HTML/Web Publishing

Serves as am HTML resource. Includes a newsletter, video, and training books, as well as numerous links to help you build your own Web.

The Webcatcher

Monitors the Web for new sites and e-mails you regular updates according to the topics you select.

The Whole Internet Catalog

Presents the Whole Internet Catalog, one of the most complete search sites for the Internet. Lets you browse information by category or search by keyword for specific information.

The World Wide Web Initiative: The Project

Offers information about the upcoming WWW International Conference. Also offers a wealth of information on various Web issues, such as security, HTTP, and graphics standards.

The World-Wide Web: Origins and Beyond

Provides the origins of the Web and also talks about some of the other uses of hypertext, such as the Xanadu project. Discusses some disadvantages of the Web and offers information on Project Xanadu.

This is the Worst

Provides an alternative to the many sites that serve up a "cool" site of the day or point you to "great" places. Offers links to sites that exemplify why some people shouldn't be allowed to make their own Web sites.

ThreadTreader's WWW Contests Guide

Presents ThreadTreader's WWW Contests Guide[rm], a complete, current compilation of contests on the Web. Provides easy ways to browse through an extensive index of online contests, drawings, raffles, sweepstakes, and other prize-oriented promotions. Even lets you add your own contest to the ThreadTreader's Guide.

Timothy W. Amey Resource Links

Offers a collection of resource links and information regarding OS/2 resources, OS/2 advocacy, Lotus resources, Intel alternatives, religion, Ford advocacy, and IT/IS resources.

tkHTML Editor Information

Presents tkHTML, a simple HTML editor based on the Tcl script language and the Tk toolkit for X11 that enables you to quickly compose and edit HTML-format documents, as well as rapidly convert text documents to the HTML format.

UK Index Beginners Guide to the Net

Serves as a beginners guide to using the Internet and includes pointers to more resources.

Understanding the Internet

Provides a large collection of links to many resources on the Internet. Gives sources for browsers, software, page development, and more.

UnderWorld Links

Offers some of the more offbeat links. Provides Star Wars information, audio and video clips from movies, weather maps, and more.

Valiquet Lamothe Inc.

Offers access to Internet. Provides information on links to French and English sites. ALso provides information on tourism, aboriginal, and levels of government.

Vannevar New Media

An Internet publishing and applications company that puts business on the Web.

Virtual Realty Showcase

Serves as a meeting place for Realtors and buyers world-wide. Provides an electronic listing of participating brokers and a selection of their properties by geographic areas.

Virtual Software Library

Offers a tool for searching for shareware and freeware on the Internet.

VSL Front Desk at the OAK Repository

Lets you enter a keyword and the engine searches the major Internet shareware archives for the program you want.

WAIS Access Through the Web

Provides information about WAIS, a system that allows you to retrieve documents from databases via full-text searches. Allows you to search by name or by topic.


Serves as the home of WAIS software and publishing. Provides information on WAISserver, and anything to do with the WAIS search engine.

Washington University Data Archive

Provides information on the Washington University file transmission protocol (ftp) site. Contains more than 45 gigabytes of software available to the general public.

Washington Web

Presents an online guide of Internet resources for the greater Washington, D.C., area.

WaterWeb (tm)

Provides a collection of water-related information on the Internet, including water treatment equipment and chemicals, water testing equipment and services, consultants and engineers, water conservation technologies, trade journals, trade associations, research databases, government agencies, upcoming events, and more.

Wavelinx Multimedia Publishing

Focuses on Web presence and multimedia design, creating illustrations, 3-D graphics, animations, kiosks, interactive marketing presentations, and brochures.

WEB Authoring Tools, Images, and Resources

Offers a collection of Web authoring tools, images, and resources.

Web KNX Connects the Web

Deals with business page hosting, home page hosting, HTML creation Web consulting, PC consulting in Milwaukee and surrounding areas, and PC Support.

Web Marketing[md]Beyond Boundaries

Helps business expand in the new Internet culture. Provides information about Internet marketing and displays the talents of Beyond Boundaries' creative staff. Explains how Beyond Boundaries helps companies survive their ride on the Information Superhighway.

Web Publishing Australia

Introduces you to a professional Web publishing and promotion company based in Queensland, Australia.

Web Weavers: A Listing of resources for aspiring web authors

Provides a comprehensive listing of Web tools and techniques for aspiring Web authors.

Webants(tm) Home Page

Provides information about project Webants, to develop an information retrieval systen for the Web using cooperative agents. Offers information about their approach and current progress reports.

Webchat: WebStation Transport Services

Serves as the main location of a relatively new way of talking to people over the Web, called WebChat, a graphical version of the old Internet Relay Chat system.


Web page creation service. Focuses on posting and maintenance, logo and graphic design, photography (including improvement of existing photographs), image maps, online newsletters, and getting your page listed in directories like this one, among others.


Lets you search the site to find links to all sorts of random things.

Welcome to Netscape

Offers information about the new security measures being built into HTML, offers downloadable version of Netscape for Windows 95. Also offers technical support.

Welcome to the First Virtual InfoHaus!

A public-access information mall. Lets you sell information products (books, newsletters, software, and so forth). Enables user to search by seller, type, keyword, or date.

Welcome to Worlds Chat

Provides a 3-D multiuser chatting system. Lets you utilize images and sound while you chat with others.

What's New in Japan

Provides information on recent happenings or recent changes in the Web in Japan. Offers a Japanese langauge version of the site.

WIC Top 50

Offers the Whole Internet Catalog's Top 50 sites.

Windows95 InterNetworking Headquarters

Offers Windows95 shareware, Internet setup information, networking across the Internet, and more.

Winfield Design Group

Internet site developers and Internet providers. Offers CGI scripting, C++, perl, and programs.

Winsock Connections

Explains both the hardware and software issues concerning setting up your Windows PC to access the Internet. Explains where to get the software you need and how to configure it. Also provides information on creating HTML documents.

WorldTel Global Marketplace

Lists businesses and individuals offering products, services and/or opportunities to the world market.

WorldWide Information and Netcasting Services

A full service Internet company. Offers services ranging from anonymous FTP, data storage, to Mpeg and multimedia and graphic design. Offers to travel to meet a company's needs.

Writing the Information Superhighway

Offers information regarding how to write literature for the Internet (originally an online class at University of Michigan). Lets you ask the professors who originally taught the class questions. Also includes a linked bibliography of other sites.

WWW Page Design Pointers

Offers a set of pointers to material concerning the design and implementation of Web page design. Includes pointers to material using HTML, perl, forms, and general Web page considerations.

WWWW[md]World Wide Web Worm

Best Navigational Aid on the Web in 1994. Lets you give the Worm database some search criteria, and it searches other search sites for those criteria. Claims to have 3 million URLs in its databse.


Probably the most popular search site on the Web. They are considered to be the place to go for anything, as long as it isn't too technically oriented. Only offers links to sources, which is different from something like Lycos that also searches directories and files themselves.

Youth Quake

Serves as a destination for computer-literate youth. Plans to cater to education all around the world.

Zen and the Art of the Internet[md]Table of Contents

Serves as a beginner's guide to the Internet. Offers information on the search engines available. Even offers a section on how to create a newsgroup.




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