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The Country & People of Yemen

Yemen - Republic of Yemen

This page contains links to sites in Yemen and Yemen related sites.
For Middle East, North Africa, Arab and regional information visit Arab Countries


Yemen, officially Republic of Yemen, republic (1995 est. pop. 14,728,000), 207,000 sq mi (536,000 sq km), SW Asia, on the S Arabian peninsula, bordered by Saudia Arabia (N), Oman (E), the Gulf of Aden (S), and the Red Sea (W); formed in 1990 by the union of the Yemen Arab Republic (Yemen or Northern Yemen) and People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (Southern Yemen). The capital is Sana; the port of Adenis the commercial capital. A narrow coastal plain rises to interior highlands and the Rub al Khali desert. The country includes several islands, e.g., Perim and Socotra. Yemen is very poor. Most of the population is engaged in growing grains, vegetables, fruits, cotton, coffee, and khat (a stimulant-containing shrub) and raising sheep, goats, and camels. Oil has been produced since the late 1980s, and imported oil is also processed into petroleum products for export. Salt is the only other commercially exploitable mineral. Manufacturing, largely based on agricultural products, provides little revenue. Foreign aid and remittances from Yemenis working abroad are important to the economy. Yemen is the most populous nation on the Arabian peninsula. The great majority of the inhabitants are Arabs, about two thirds of whom are Sunni Muslims; the rest are Shiite Muslims. Arabic is the official language.

Once part of the ancient Sabaean kingdom (fl. c.750 &BC;–115 &BC;), Yemen was later ruled by the Himyarites, Romans, Ethiopians, and Persians. It was conquered by Muslim Arabs in the 7th cent. &AD;, and in the 16th cent. it became part of the Ottoman Empire. The northwestern portion bordering on the Red Sea became (1918) an independent kingdom (known as Yemen or Northern Yemen) ruled by the Rassite dynasty, imams of the Zaidi Shiite sect of Islam.

In 1962 an army coup led to the proclamation of a republic. Civil war followed, with Egypt supporting the republicans and Saudi Arabia and Jordan backing the royalists; it ended in 1970 with a republic in place. The southern portion bordering on the Gulf of Aden was penetrated in the 19th cent. by the British, who conquered Aden in 1839 and between 1886 and 1914 signed a number of protectorate treaties with local rulers. Aden was made a crown colony in 1935, and the area to its east became the Aden Protectorate in 1937.

In the 1960s, nationalist groups demanding independence began a terrorist campaign against the British, and independence was granted to Southern Yemen in 1967. The National Liberation Front gained control of the government and established a Marxist regime in 1971. Unity agreements between the two Yemens in 1971 and 1981 were not implemented because of recurrent warfare, but a merger negotiated in 1989 resulted in formal unification in 1990. Pres. Ali Abdullah Saleh of Northern Yemen became president. By 1993, however, relations between the north and south had grown tense, and fighting between army units in 1994 erupted into a nine-week civil war in which northern forces were victorious. Yemen clashed with Eritrea over control of the Hanish Islands in the Red Sea in 1995; the Hague Tribunal awarded the islands to Yemen in 1998.

In 1999, in Yemen's first direct presidential election, Saleh was returned to office amid opposition charges of fraud. A border treaty ending disputes with Saudi Arabia that dated to the 1930s was signed in 2000, and early in 2001 the two nations began implementing the pact.

President Saleh announced support for the U.S. “war on terror” in 2001 and subsequently received American aid and made some moves against Muslim extremists, but the terror attacks also continued. Saleh’s General People’s Congress won more than two thirds of the seats in the 2003 legislative elections. In June, 2004, government forces began raids against supporters of Shiite cleric Hussein al-Hawthi, who was accused of sedition and extremism. The cleric had denounced the government’s pro-American policies and government corruption. Several months of fighting in N Yemen, in which hundreds died, followed, and in September Sheikh Hawthi was killed and a cease-fire mediated.

Copyright (c) 2003 Columbia University Press.
Used by permission of Columbia University Press.

About....          General information, cities, towns, municipalities, places, flag, maps, useful Information....
Business          Economy, reports, statistics, banks, directories, jobs, investment, promotion....
Culture             General resources, heritage, art, literature, photography, cinema, music, song, dance, cultural, scientific,
                       environmental, sporting entities & info, women affairs....
Education        Schools, colleges, academies, universities, polytechnics, institutions, research, resources, projects....
History             Ancient & modern history, human rights, politics & political parties, related sites, articles....
Media              Newspapers, magazines, news, newsletters, news agencies, radio, TV, internet, articles, reports, cartoons....
Organizations   Government, ministries, overseas missions, embassies, corporations, organizations, industrial entities, centers,
                      public hospitals, institutions, societies, foreign entities....
Travel               Airlines, air, sea & coach charters services, travel, tours, guides, hotels, resorts, inns, hostels, health,
                      travel tips, weather....
Gateways         Gateways, search engines and directories to country related sites and information....
Arab Countries  Arab World: Middle East, North Africa, Arab and regional information. Resources to other Arab countries....

Most local links in other categories also include extensive or interesting country information.
All sites are in English or an English version is available except where indicated with flag(s) without "+".
The flag(s) means the site is available in the language of the flag(s). If more than 5 languages (other than Arabic or English) the UN flag is used, example
Other languages means 5 languages other than English or Arabic
Arabic means it is available in Arabic only and +Arabic is available in Arabic and English

About Yemen

General Information Also see Travel
All Referer Geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, maps & cities, transnational issues....
Arab DataNet Country profile, key facts, overview, economic review, political structure, sector analysis, investment, government, companies....
ArabInfo Overview, government, history, links
ArabNet Overview, history, geography, business, culture, government, transport, tour guide, links
Atlapedia Geography, climate, people, demography, religion, education, modern history, currency, other information....
BBC Country Profile Key facts, figures and dates
Britannica.Com Country info, land, people, economy, society, government, history, culture, maps, statistics, links....
CIA World Factbook Map, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, issues
Country Reports Economy, defense, geography, government, people, anthem, map, news, weather, links....
Encarta OnLine Info, land & resources, population, economy, government, history, other related items, links....
Encyclopaedia of the Orient Geography, politics, economy, health, education, religion, people, history, anthem, cities....
Expedia Almanac, fast facts, communications, on business, health & safety, transportation, traveler's directory
Info Please General info, map, geography, government, history, land & people....
Jemen Deutsch History, country, population....
Nation By Nation Info, government, human rights, news, geography, history, people, links....
US Department of State - Background Notes People, history, government, political conditions, economy, travel, business, foreign relations....
Window to Yemen +Arabic Deutsch A german-yemeni cultural website. Tourist and country information
World66 General info, cities, history, people, economy, getting around, getting there, links....
Yemen Info +Arabic General, culture, economy, politics, news, media, panorama, links....

Cities, Towns, Municipalities & Places

Shibam Desert Cities - A city of clay
Soqatra (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ) Flora, fauna, geography....
World Heritage Cities +Francais Espanol Sanaa - The ancestral heartland of the Arabs....
World Heritage Cities +Francais Espanol Old Walled City of Shibam - The high buildings are tightly grouped on the hillock to provide better protection against floods
World Heritage Cities +Francais Espanol Historic Town of Zabid - Mud brick dwellings with thatched roofs....

Flag, Maps, Emblems and other information....

Cellular News Cellular coverage map, systems, frequencies....
Ethnologue Languages
Flag Description, meaning, history, interesting facts
Flag Explanation, historical, military & political flags, subdivisions, national emblem....
Maps Country & city maps
Maps Cities & towns. Global position, altitude, WAPF (weather) forcast,
Maps on the internet All types of maps from different sources
Stamps Since 1926
World Clock Local time, sunrise, sunset, GMT offset, daylight saving....
World Paper Money Paper currency since 1964

About Yemen * Business * Culture * Education * History * Media * Organizations * Travel * Gateways * Arab Countries

Business and Economy

General, Economy, Reports & Statistics
Aden Free Zone +Arabic Import, Export and transit trade and merchandise processing....
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Fact sheet (pdf) & travel information....
Bilateral Relations with Japan Diplomatic, investment, economic cooperation, residents....
Business Etiquette and Culture A guide for doing business ....
MBendi Business information, news, industries, events
Muslim Trade Network Trade reference directory and guide....
Organization of Islamic Countries +Arabic The most comprehensive database: statistical, economic and social
Ports Focus Ports, harbours, marinas....
Sana'a Chamber of Commerce and Industry +Arabic Participates with preparing the necessary studies and strategies
US Department of Energy Analysis, information, oil, natural gas, coal, electricity....
World Bank +Arabic Overview, news & events, data & statistics, publications & reports, development topics, projects & programs, Public Information Center
Yemen and the IMF Position in the fund, reports....


Central Bank +Arabic Creating suitable monetary and credit environment for a sustainable development and growth of the economy
Saba Islamic Bank Arabic
World Bank Country Office of the World Bank in Yemen
Yemen Bank For Reconstruction and Development +Arabic All types of Banking Services and Credit facilities
Yemen Gulf Bank Services to the expectations of its individual customers and all other sectors of the community

Directories, Job Opportunities

Investment & Promotion....

General Investment Authority To bring about a greater leap in the investment level of various sectors


About Yemen * Business * Culture * Education * History * Media * Organizations * Travel * Gateways * Arab Countries

Art, Culture & Sport

General resources, Heritage....
Ancient Inscriptions The results of the archaeological survey of the direct environs of the Himyarite capital Baynun
Tareem Arabic Centre for archiving of cultural traditions and mud buildings

Art, Literature, Photography, Cinema....

Art of Yemen Amazing paintings from Local Yemeni Artists from Hodeidah
Nizar Mezhar Paintings of people and places of Yemen


Der Jemen Deutch Picture Gallery


Arab Film Distribution - Yemen Features a wide range of narrative films, documentaries, visual essays and ethnographic films

Music, Song & Dance....

Cultural, Scientific, Environmental, Sporting Entities & Info

Al-Arabia Al-Saeeda Arabic Yemenis in Canada and USA
Le Cercle Franco Yemenite +Francais To promote friendship and understanding between the peoples of the two countries
Egyption Culture Center Arabic Sanaa
Urban Cultural Heritage Program +Arabic To boost and to guide the revitalisation process of historic cities in the country


Animal Info Threatened species, environmental and social data
AquaStat Information on quantity and quality of freshwater and its availability
BirdLife To determine the priorities for bird conservation in the region


Women Organizations, Societies, Affairs....

Al-Aman Association for Blind Women Protecting the blind from exploitation in all its forms
Society for the Development of Women & Children SOUL- To achieve a higher quality of life for Yemeni women and children
Women National Committee +Arabic Proposes policies, strategies, plans, and programs related to women affairs
Yemen Women Union Improving Yemeni Women status and her participation in political, social, economic and cultural aspects of life.

About Yemen * Business * Culture * Education * History * Media * Organizations * Travel * Gateways * Arab Countries


Schools, Colleges, Academies, Universities & Polytechnics
The American School Typical American curriculum


Aden University +Arabic
Al-Ahqaf University +Arabic Mukalla
Al-Iman University +Arabic Sanaa
Hadhramout University of Science & Technology Arabic
Ibb University +Arabic
Queen Arwa University +Arabic Sanaa
Sanaa University +Arabic
University of Science & Technology +Arabic Sanaa & Hodeidah


Yemen Networking Academy +Arabic Learn about the networks devices by CISCO

Institutions & Organizations

American Institute for Yemeni Studies Acting as an information exchange
Center for Arabic Language and Eastern Studies (CALES) +Francais Deutch Italiano Center for teaching Arabic language and Yemeni culture for Non-native speakers
Modern American Language Institute
Modern American Language Institute (Faster loading)
The Supreme Institute of Justice +Arabic
Yemeni Consultant House +Arabic Training and qualification in management, accounting, industry, oil, tourism, computers science and modern languages
Yemen Language Center & Yemen Center for Arab Studies +Francais Deutch Italiano Espanol Facilitates individual scholars and teams of scholars doing research in Yemen
Yemeni Students Association Abroad (YSAA) To help make a change for the better

Research, Resources & Projects

Basic Education Expansion Project To increase enrollment in basic education
eLibrary Arabic For experts, researchers, educators and students....
French Center for Archaeology and Social Sciences +Francais Sanaa - the study of the social significance of traditional practices....
Yemeni Education Channel Arabic
Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation (YSRF) Advancing the cause of science and scientific research through a partnership with the private sector
About Yemen * Business * Culture * Education * History * Media * Organizations * Travel * Gateways * Arab Countries

History, Human Right & Politics

Ancient & Modern....
BBC Timeline A chronology of key events
Political Geography Land and people, economy, government, history....
World Statesmen Flags, chronology, rulers, governors, ministers, commissioners....

Human Rights, Politics & Political Parties....

Amnesty International +Arabic Francais Espanol News, reports, urgent action. Latest annual report....
Human Rights Watch +Arabic Other languages Human rights developments & report
US Department of State Country reports on human rights practices


Islah Party Arabic
Rabetat Abna' Al-Yaman (RAY) Party Arabic

Related Sites, Articles....

Constitution Background, history & news
Elections Results, parties, parliament, electoral institutes, electoral calendar, political database....

About Yemen * Business * Culture * Education * History * Media * Organizations * Travel * Gateways * Arab Countries

Visit Arab Media for satellite stations & Arab newspapers


Newspapers, Magazines....
14 October Arabic Daily newspaper
26 September Arabic Daily newspaper
Al-Ayyam Arabic Daily newspaper
Al-Jumhuriyah Arabic Daily newspaper
Al-Methaq' Arabic Daily newspaper
Al-Rai Al-Aam Arabic Daily newspaper
Al-Shmoo' Arabic Weekly newspaper
Al-Tahwra Arabic Daily newspaper
Al-Tahwry Arabic The newspaper of the Socialist Party of Yemen
Al-Wahda Arabic Weekly newspaper
Yemen Observer Weekly English newspaper
Yemen Times Daily newspaper

OnLine News, Newsletters, News agencies....

Al-Motamar' Arabic Updated daily
SABA +Arabic Yemen News Agency
Sahwa.Net Arabic Updated daily
Washington Post News & references
Yahoo full news coverage
Yemen Daily Online news....
Yemen Web Updated daily, photo gallery....

Radio, TV, Internet....

Al-Majlis Al-Yamani Arabic Various forums
Aden Radio Arabic Live radio
Hadramout Arabic Network Arabic Forums, news, culture, Almanac....
Sanaa Radio Arabic Live radio, history, cities....

Articles, Reports, Cartoons....

One World +Other languages Archives, articles and news from different sources

About Yemen * Business * Culture * Education * History * Media * Organizations * Travel * Gateways * Arab Countries

Visit Arab Organizations for Pan-Arab, Middle East, North Africa and regional organizations

Government & Organizations, Corporations, Societies....

Government, Ministries, Councils....
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members
Political Leaders Dates and figures of the leadership since 1962 (with pictures)
President of Yemen +Arabic Ali Abdullah Saleh


Agricultural Research and Extention Authority (AREA) +Arabic
Central Organization for Control and Auditing (COCA) +Arabic Helps the state authorities perform their functions.
Customs Authority +Arabic
General Authority for Insurances & Pensions Arabic
General Tourism Development Authority Arabic
The Government +Arabic Official website
House of Parliament Arabic
Labour Market Information System (LMIS) Arabic
Ministry of Education Arabic
Ministry of Industry & Trade +Arabic The authority concerned with domestic and foreign trade policy drawing and organization
Ministry of Information Arabic
Ministry of Oil & Minerals +Arabic Responsible for the administration, development, and exploitation of Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources
Ministry of Public Health & Population +Arabic
Ministry of Public Works & Urban Planning +Arabic
National Information Center +Arabic Aims to establish, develop, and manage integrated national system for Information
Petroluem Exploration and Production Authority (PEPA) Receiving , collecting and filing ,different information of the technical activities....
Shoora Council +Arabic
Social Fund for Development Seeks to reduce poverty by improving living conditions....
Supreme Commission for Elections and Referendum +Arabic To review a number of reports on the votes counting results
Survey Authority +Arabic The Government Agency for Mapping and Land Registration
Tax Authority +Arabic
Yemeni National Commission for Education, Culture & Science +Arabic Aims to accomplish and develop the co-operation between the various concerned parties


Embassy of Yemen in Germany +Deutch Berlin
Embassy of Yemen in UAE +Arabic Abu Dhabi
Embassy of Yemen in UK London
Embassy of Yemen in USA Washington DC
Yemen Mission to the UN

Corporations, Organizations, Public Hospitals and Industrial Entities

Al-Thawra Industrial Complex +Arabic
Yemen Company For Ghee & Soap Industry Ghee & edible oil, along with soap and detergents


Y.Net +Arabic The main ISP of Yemen
Yemen.Net +Arabic ISP provider
Yemen Post +Arabic Stamp shop, money orders, bills online....

Centers, Institutions, Societies....

Accounting Financial Management Information System (AFMIS) +Arabic Developing an accounting and financial management information system
Al-Qabaitah Province Charitable Cooperation Society +Arabic To improve the economic, social, cultural, health and education status of all citizen in the province
Charitable Society for Social Welfare +Arabic
General Center for Studies, Research & Publishing +Arabic Studying national issues undertaking scientific, political and cultural tasks
General Council of Trade Unions Arabic

Foreign Entities

British Council To promote and strengthen Yemen's institutional and social development through partnership
French Embassy Francais Sanaa - Consular section
Indian Embassy Sanaa
Italian Embassy +Francais Italiano Sanaa - General information about the structure, services and activities
Royal Netherlands Embassy Sanaa
US Embassy Sanaa


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) A world of development experience
USAID Assistance to Yemen....
World Food Programme Fight against global hunger....
World Health Organization Tobacco & health, socio-economic situation

About Yemen * Business * Culture * Education * History * Media * Organizations * Travel * Gateways * Arab Countries

Travel & Tourism

Airlines, Air, Sea & Coach Charters services


Yemenia Yemen airlines - History, tourist info, facts bbout Yemen, gallery....


Airports Airport names, cities and codes

Travel, Tours, Guides.... More country info

Al-Nasim Travel & Tourism +Arabic Serve the domestic and international market
Future Tours Industries A wakeup call to a world of incomparable dreams & non-stop wonders
Life Change Tours Tourism in Yemen, Diving in the Red Sea, adventurous hiking tours....
Voyages Au Yemen Promoting real meetings and interaction between visitors and local communities
Yemen Explorers +Francais Deutch Espanol About Yemen, travel hints, places of interest, pictures, hotels, adventure tours, diving tours, trekking tours....
Yemen Old Splendour Tours +Francais Italiano Espanol A choice of outstanding places of antiquities and history
Yemen Tourism Be ready to be astounded....


Lonely Planet Travel information
Travel Guide General & trave info, money, duty free, health, accommodation, visas....

Hotels, Resorts, Inns, Hostels....

Hadhramaut Hotel Mukalla - The scuba divers and anglers love it


Inn26 Hotels and motels directory, local info....
Yemen Hotels Travel Guide Offers hotels and resorts online reservations



Health & Travel Tips
Foreign & Commonwealth Office Travel information, country advise, latest travel updates....
Travel Document Systems Passports, visas, travel documents
US Consular Information Warning, visa, security, health, crime/drug penalties....


Weather Underground Temperature, humidity, pressure and conditions by city
Yahoo Weather By city. Forcast, sunrise, sunset, humidity, wind, dewpoint....

About Yemen * Business * Culture * Education * History * Media * Organizations * Travel * Gateways * Arab Countries

Visit Arab Gateways for Arab and other country links

Gateways to Yemen

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